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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Checkertail Clan Mustang progress

February 11, 2021 · in Uncategorized · · 13 · 1.8K

Seems like forever since I posted! Well here is progress on the cockpit, Barracuda Cast seat, and radios and battery. "Look" instrument panel. The seatbelts were a quandary. I had some Eduard PE ones from a failed build, but they seemed one dimensional for . I ordered some HGW "fabric" ones, but they looked like notebook paper when assembled. I then ordered some Kitsworld 3D printed ones, while better, the buckles looked like they were out of a comic book. Soooooo I used the kit ones, added a bit to them and used the decals for the stitching that came with the Barracuda seat. The floor is very thin veneer I sanded down to paper thin, painted black, and then sanded to simulate scuffing. Decals are from Barracuda Decals P-51 cockpit set.

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8  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Especially love the instruments.

    • The Eduard instrument panels are great. The P-51 ones seem to have a common defect of two instruments being cloudy. I simply popped them out with an exacto, put the decals from the kit in their place and used micro krystal kleer for lenses.

  2. Looks great, Rob. I like the veneer idea for the floor.

  3. That looks fantastic Rob! Can't wait to see the rest of the build.

  4. A very fine looking place to work in, Rob.
    Nicely detailed.

  5. That's how you do it! Looks like I could climb in and fly away. Great detail and paint work there!

  6. That cocpkit is amazing, Rob!

  7. You know, people comment that they don't build 1/72 because they "can't see that good anymore," but seriously, stitches on the seatbelts?! There is more small detail in this cockpit than some of my entire 1/72 builds! I think you guys who build these 1/32 monsters with itty bitty details are more nuts than me! Looking fantastic Rob!

  8. I'm brand-new here but may I offer a suggestion? Start a post for this P-51 in the WIP section? That way, all your WIP photos will be in chronological order and all in one place. There too, when you add something it'll get bumped back up to the top of the page instead of getting buried in past pages like this one will soon be.

    Great work so far. I've been a lurker here for quite awhile and always admire what you do, the subject matter, the beer and of course your beautiful work.

  9. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Off to a very cunning start Rob, your work and skills on the cockpit is just a pure joy to see.
    Looking forward to this build.

  10. The cockpit is a model in and of itself. Rob, I really like the scuff marks on the floor showing the plywood floor. Talk about esoteric stuff . . . the paint chipping on the seat also, adds to viewers experience. Its all in the details. The end result is interesting and creates the illusion of war time P-51.

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