TF-51 Mustangs in 1/72
Going small This is the first time I've built a 1/72nd scale fighter(s). Tiny! The Little Witch was converted from the Tamiya kit, and Miss Velma is the AIrfix kit. I love them both, they both build up in to fine models. The AIrfix is a a full 1mm smaller than the Tamiya kit in a couple places. That doesn't seem like a lot but it sure makes a difference when making custom parts. Fortunately the canopy openings are both right at 5mm. The conversion parts were made using wood and heavily primed and sanded for the master molds. I made the canopy master with Magic Sculpt and wood. The bubble for the master canopy was made to the "tall" canopy specs.. From there I made several resin casts and reprofiled some of them to the lower profile. I can make 3 at a time in the Vac machine which saves a lot of time and material. Thanks for having a look! Back to the Panther!
Nicely done Jim, and tiny in 1/72 is why I don't do them, these old eyes are too worn out for that scale. She looks really good, I like it. Now how in the world do you know I was going to ask about the Panther?
Thanks Tom! My eyes are in about the same boat. Won't be doing too many of these
The Panther is down to finishing the canopy and clear coating. Real work always gets in the way.
Wow, Jim @jimh!
You did your scratchbuilt magics again, only now in 1/72 ( be might be more dificult, than in 1/48?)
Well done, they both look gorgeous!
Thanks Spiros! Definitely ramps up the challenge factor, but uses half the silicon
Two amazing 72nd scale builds Jim, think of all that paint you saved going the 1/72nd route!
Always found the pseudo ‘ Ferrari Stallion’ emblem to be a favourite.
Thanks George! If I stuck with 1/72nd kits I'd never have to buy paint again! I'm really impressed with the quality and detail in these modern kits. Really makes it easy to pull off
Two amazing builds, great work!
Thanks Robert!
Beautiful builds, Jim.
I'm impressed by scratch building, but in 1/72 scale it is unbelievable.
Thanks John! 1/2 the scale, twice the time. Totally worth it though.
Like most people, I started with 1/72 scale aircraft kits, Airfix in my case, and I can't imagine going back to it now, so these two are incredible, definitely liked.
Unlike most (it seems), I only build 1/72, so can really appreciate these two find builds! Terrific schemes and custom work. Well done.
Thanks Greg! They are a challenge...I wish I was 20 years younger