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Bob Torres
71 articles

Italeri B-25 H Mitchell "Gunship"

September 26, 2021 · in Aviation · · 16 · 3.4K

I built this kit a while ago around 1984, it was built straight out of the box. I used the "Sweet Sue" decal set from the Matchbox kit, the US insignias are from Microscale and the white stripes are also Microscale that cost me 50 cents for set of two back then. This was not a difficult build and at the time it was the best B-25 kit in the model world. The paint I used was the old Poly-s acrylic, gloss is the Future floor wax and the dull coat is again from Polly-S. The engine stain/exhaust is from using oil pastel and dry brush the rest evenly. Some aluminum paint was dry brushed in the leading edge areas to simulate paint erosion.

This old kit is still sold today, also has the earlier versions of the B-25. The final shot is when I finished my Frog B-25D build last year to compare the two. This is one kit I would not mind building again.

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14  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. You did a superb job back then, Bob, it looks fantastic!
    Hard to believe it is more than 35 years old!
    Thanks for sharing such "memories" with us!

  2. Great work on that, Bob. And yes, well preserved!

  3. Those both look really nice, Bob ! North American would hire you and give you the employee of the month award after seeing those beauties. Good job @v1pro ! ?

  4. No signs that this build is that old, Bob @v1pro
    You created an awesome result that still lasts.

  5. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    You are doing this hobby a very good and decent job preserving
    this classic Bob.
    This is way better than seeing the fire cracker end that much models we see ending.
    Nice work on this one.

  6. Classic build on a classic kit! Looks great - well done.

  7. Nice Mitchell's! Both look great.

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