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Bob Torres
71 articles

FROG 1/72 Me-262A finished as an Avia S-92 Turbina.

November 11, 2021 · in Aviation · · 21 · 1.6K

FROG, ME-262A, Kit # F248, (1972)

On my return back to this hobby, I've been wanting to build a big collection of FROG kits. Since April last year I have built five and restored one. This Me-262 caught my eyes the other day and decided to make one and complete it in Czech markings as an Avia S-92 Turbina.

It was an easy build but some filling and sanding was needed, plus I decided to build up the cockpit and nose wheel well so some scratch building went into play.

The end result was a build that I enjoyed and happy to add to my collection.

To read the entire build here's the link

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. An extremely appealing result, Bob!
    A lot of quality work put.
    You gave this old kit a new life, what an imposing model!
    Like you, I find it purely pleasant to tackle old kits.

    • Spiros, thank you. This was the second time I built this kit, the first time was in 1975 and I did a lousy job on that build. On this second round I wanted to give it a bit more love and enjoy it more.

  2. An amazing build, Bob @v1pro
    No signs that this is an older kit, you tackled is very well.
    It was a pleasure to follow your thread.
    Incredible that the Czech did use this aircraft after the war.
    Well done.

    • John, thank you. This was a decent kit from that time in which had a pretty nice overall look to the actual plane. There was some gaps to fill but nothing too hard to do. This was a happy build.

  3. Nice work, Bob. This is another one that I’ve never seen built. The shape looks a lot better then the old Airfix kit I built as a kid.

  4. Turned out well, Bob @v1pro ! The Czech aircraft you’ve built & and posted recently are very nice and an interesting change from the usual German colors & markings ( and the Israeli 109 too). Very nice collection.

    • Thank you Jay, right now that KP CS-199 is one of my favorite builds for this year. Even though it is really not a accurate kit, I still enjoyed the build and its looks. I am pretty happy seeing this S-92 next to the CS-199 with the same aluminum paint scheme. Later I do plan on making another Czech S-92 and S-199 with the Czech markings and this time have them painted with the overall RML02 scheme.

  5. Nice Frog build Bob, great to see those ol' kits being built up so well.

  6. Those old kits are not obsolete. Just like older modelers ! Well done Bob

    • Bernard thank you. I feel the same way about these old kits. I love seeing the old and newer kits made and displayed. The old kits should never be left not made in their boxes.

  7. All of the above, looks great!

  8. Hi, Bob! Very nice example that even an old kit can make your happy. I used to have it too, but where is it now... I am glad that you built a plane with Czech charakters, which did not fly, but served as teaching aid Ind the anti-aircraft artilery shool in Olomouc, 1947. Convratulations an i wish you further wishes!

  9. Very nice - never knew the 262 wore Czech colors! What details I can make out in the cockpit look well done.

    • Thank you Greg, yes there were a few in Czech markings. They were made by Avia. What I liked about this build was the simple paint scheme. I plan on making another in Czech markings and in the RML02 paint scheme.

      In regards to the cockpit, the gray makes it a little hard to see and the clear part is a bit thick.

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