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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

More SMW Telford pics: Asian Air Arms

November 17, 2021 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.9K

Andy Binks, a great photographer and contributor to the Asian Air Arms SIG website, snapped a bunch of photos from the show related to the subject and sent them to me to post to the AAA site. I asked if I could double post here, and he gave me permission. Enjoy! By the way, if the subject interests you aircraft modelers, the site is a great modeling resource:

There is an Easter Egg in the lineup - one of the photos doesn't actually belong to an Asian air arm...can you find it? And it's not the group photo - that also has a couple of non-Asian aircraft included.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

70 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. 65 is the ringer

    Nice work by all these folks.

  2. Some great looking aircraft in these shots, that Japanese 'Spruce Goose' (whatever it is...#33) completely dwarfs that H8K Emily!
    I was thinking that #45 has a '50%' chance of being the Easter Egg.

  3. Amazing pics, Greg!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Beautiful pictures and dito builds, Greg @gkittinger

  5. To me it looks like #44 is the odd one, MiG-29 in Algerian markings.

  6. Some great pics and some serious good looking models here.
    I wonder if the Easter egg is that Brazilian P-47 amongst a whole bunch of Jap fighters on the last pic

  7. Humbling to see such great And perfect looking models.
    I would not know where to start after seeing this !

  8. Thanks for posting these photos Greg@gkittinger. I am in awe at the quality of these models. It's also quite humbling indeed as Bernard commented above.

  9. Greg @gkittinger
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures with us. There is a lot of talent on display there. I would not want to be one of the judges, as they all look great !

    I was thinking the Easter egg was the B-24 and the Lancaster in #49. These are in the background of the Pakistani jet photo, and they are "egg planes" to boot. 😉

  10. Great looking builds!

  11. Nice pics, Greg. Thanks!

  12. Nice shots and builds, thanks!

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