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Bob Torres
71 articles

Helicopters GB: Mach 2's 1/72 Sikorsky S-51

December 3, 2021 · in Aviation · · 30 · 1.8K

A little history taken from the internet: First flown in 1946 and produced until 1951, the S-51 was Sikorsky's first commercial helicopter. It distinguished itself in the Korean Conflict in search and rescue missions for the US Air Force. Westland acquired a license to build the S-51 in Britain. While primarily planned for the civilian market, it was the first British-built helicopter to enter RAF service and was given the nickname “Dragonfly.”

I chose the Mach 2's 1/72 Sikorsky S-51 for our iModeler's Helicopter group build. This is a short run kit that required all of the pieces to be cleaned, modified or be a little creative on installation in certain areas like the main rotors.

This was not a fun build, I almost gave up on it but I am happy to have completed it and have my second helicopter built for this year. It does looks pretty happy on the shelf with the other completed kits.

To see my build progress please click on this link and thank you.

And to really see an excellent build of this same kit, please check out Roberto Lucio's S-51:

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

30 responses

  1. A wonderful result out the very difficult Mach2 kit, Bob!
    Finishing a Mach2 kit is an achievement by itself, making a great model out of a Mach2 kit is a tour de force!
    Thanks for the great build thread, as well.

  2. Excellent results with a challenging kit , @v1pro , Looks nice in Air Force silver !

  3. Welcome to the club of Mach 2 Never Again! - those are the crappiest limited run kits out there, and the guy who does them refuses to learn from anyone else how to create kits.

    A triumph of tenacity over plastic.

    • Tom @tcinla, thank you. In one Facebook group, one modeler welcomed me to the very few who have built this, another said his hit the wall at Mach 2, and now I have joined the Mach 2 Never Again! ?

  4. Congrats on a great job of making a really bad kit look good Bob!

  5. You've tamed a beast, great job!

  6. Good job on kit from a notorious company.

  7. You did really great on this kit, Bob @v1pro
    Personally I have no experience on Mach2 kits but it seems better to stay away from them.
    Nevertheless, you performed amazingly on this tiny helicopter.
    Thanks a lot for guiding us with your building thread, it was a pleasure to follow your progress.

  8. Great job on this chopper, love the droopy rotor blades.

  9. Mach 2 and at 1/72 scale too! You the man Bob, great job.

  10. Nice . true grit !
    I never made a Mach 2 Kit but I hear that is the speed by which these kits end up in the garbage most of the time !

  11. Nice work Bob, great looking build and nice save with the silver paint.
    Was there any joint which didn't need some putty filler?

  12. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    This to me is a very decent and respectable piece of modeling, that
    just looking at it ... takes the viewer back to the times of it's military service.
    Good and nice job on this model Bob !

  13. Well done, Bob (@v1pro). Tom hit the nail on the head. I built this kit and vowed never to build another Mach 2 kit. Your results are amazing. I have built the AMP kit of this helo and like it much better.

    • Thank you George @gblair. It looks like Amp is the best kit out there for both in 1/72 and 1/48 scale. And yes to the club of Mach 2 Never Again! From reading other Mach 2 builds on-line many have shared pretty similar views on their builds.

  14. Yep - I too have built a Mach2 kit, and can attest that you should be commended that this even looks like a helicopter! And it's a darn good-looking one at that - well done.

  15. Wow Bob, it looks really good, sounds like it was plenty hard work but the end result looks like it was worth it.

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