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Robert Royes
257 articles

SA-2 Guideline{S-75} SAM, Airfix 1/76. A Thud Drivers worse nightmare.

December 16, 2021 · in Aviation · · 7 · 1.6K

SA-2 Gudeline or a Thud drivers worse nightmare. A few years ago I found this rare kit by chance in an old hobby shop called Dave's that since has closed. It's straight out of the box, I added a windshield using clear package material. The trucks' serial number decals wouldn't work so I glued then on with the paper. the door decals come from another S-2 kit.Gran Ltd. [the one in the back round].

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4  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. No need for that 'complaint form' Robert 😉
    Excellent work with this ol' Airfix gem!

  2. Very nice result, Robert @roofrat
    Such a pitty that those old hobbyshops disappear.

  3. That’s cool, Robert. Surprised they haven’t reissued it.

  4. Excellent job on this rare kit, Robert!

  5. What a treat to see this Airfix kit built, Robert, brings back great memories, and not a You-tube link in site.

  6. Great job on this rare kit.

  7. Very unique subject. Nicely built.
    Those two missiles look good together.

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