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Charles King
130 articles

1:50 Scale Vignette Display

April 21, 2022 · in Diorama · · 26 · 1K

Something different. Just completed a display diorama for a customer. The scale display, is 1.2m x 0.40m x 0.40m in dimension. It is mostly for displaying 1:50 scale models, at exhibitions. I have come a long way and have done a lot of home made rock molds and scratch build details. I've even included handles that would make it easier to managed when moving it around. I also tried to make it as sturdy as possible, as it will be moving around quite a lot. I will also be weathering the truck combo you see on the display. I just used it to take photos of the layout in its entirety. I tried to mimic new/old patch roads, after many years of heavy traffic across this region, especially by truck drivers. The truck will be weathered with some heavy dust, so I am going to give it a try using an airbrush. Not my strongest side, but in this scale and weathering 'Middle Eastern' weathering on trucks, an airbrush is the only way to go.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. I saw that headline pic and thought - "hey, this is a Charles King post, but that looks like a toy" - then saw the rest of the post and the photos and thought - "now THAT's Charles!"

  2. Wonderful result, as always, Charles!
    Your usual 1:1 scale looks!
    Loved the attention down to EVERY detail.

  3. Very very realistic diorama!

  4. Awesome work, as usual.

  5. Excellent work, Charles @tiking
    The truck as well as the diorama do look very realistic.
    I noticed the handles on the diorama and was wondering about the weight of this box.

    • Hi John. Glad you like build. The weight is not really heavy. Its just a little quirky if you want to handle it by yourself. The handle makes it easier to handle the clumsy dimension.

  6. That base is just amazing. Your usual attention to detail results in it "looking real" in the photos. Great work!

  7. Everything looks great, but really... that road looks real from every angle. Great work, as usual, Charles!

  8. So glad to see you back Mr King! Impeccable as usual. I love seeing your work!

  9. Your work is always awesome! Every time.

  10. When I first saw the headline picture it was the road signs that caught my eye, really great attention to detail as always from you. 1/50 is an unusual scale for modelling, , I guess it suits the size of the trucks.

  11. Top rank as usual !

  12. First I Thought it was a real truck and decor !
    Amazing work !

  13. Excellent work as usual.

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