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Charles King
123 articles

1:50 DHL Accident Snow Diorama Update

May 22, 2022 · in Diorama · · 26 · 1.2K

I've updated this moving the trailer slightly more inward and adding hydraulic cables and snow here and there. I've always added or tried to mimic melted ice on the roads, in certain areas. You can see them in a few photos. I also put blown snow on the signs and road guard post to simulate blown snow. The effect is pretty cool and authentic. I also added some skid marks in the snow that as been covered by fresh snow in some areas. So far I am proud of this diorama. Hope Rikard is too.

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8  Awesome

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26 responses

  1. Superb realistic!

  2. Looking absolutely gorgeous diwn to every detail, my friend Charles!

  3. Profile Photo
    Walt said on May 22, 2022

    Charles, @tiking, that really does look fantastic and just looking at it lowered the temperature in the room. It looks so cold and real, I think I had an icicle hanging from my monitor after viewing.

  4. As a long-time resident of the upper Midwest (Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota) I can tell you...your snow and ice, including the icy road and slush, is spot-on.

  5. That’s excellent! You really nailed the drifts and ice.

  6. All this amazing dio needs is a bunch of i****s going the other way braking to a virtual stop then gawking at it and slowing down things unnecessarily.

  7. @tiking - you really nailed the look of "black" ice.

  8. Amazing result. I've never seen ice and snow recreated so realistically. Like Walt said, it's good enough to put icicles on the monitor!

  9. Totaly speechless, Charles @tiking
    Your eye to detail and realism and how to create that is simply amazing.
    Well done.

  10. Excellent diorama, the road surface really does it for me.

  11. beautiful work. Now i know why i`m not getting my DHL package too !

  12. So realistic that it makes me need to pee! ? Seriously good work here Charles; you are the man! ?

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