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Harvey R.
36 articles

Tamiya P-47D-11-RE, 1/48. 'The Razorback over Normandy'.

May 4, 2022 · in Aviation · · 30 · 4.9K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Tamiya P-47D-11-RE, 1/48. 'The Razorback over Normandy'.
  2. Tamiya P-47D-30-RE, 'The Bubbletop over Asia'

Personally, I'm a razorback fan over the bubbletop, and when I think razorback I can't help but think D-Day stripes which really narrowed down the sort of scheme I wanted to do for the build.

The Kit

This kit is the Tamiya's offering in 1/48, they sell 3 variants of the P-47 being the P-47D razorback, bubbletop and then the P-47M, as well as some limited editions reboxings and such. These kits started coming out from 2002 onwards. Compared to the slightly older Corsair you can see a change in quality heading towards the current kits, with more precise detailing, better fit and more thought out engineering.

As with all of these older Tamiya kits putting out a review is a bit pointless and many of you here may have built it, or undoubtably all at the very least have heard good things about it. Needless to say, it's a very good kit, and the options for flaps up, down, as well as a plethora of underslung armament is well appreciated.

The Build

With a full build thread located at, I'll only go into a simple rundown, but as its a Tamiya kit from 2000+ you can expect it to have a good fit. Unsurprisingly, the fit was impeccable and the only filler required was the standard fuselage seamline filler that any kit could do with. For this Thunderbolt I went for a wheels down option and the gear fit without issue.

For markings I used montex masks, which I didn't have too much issue with but the fuselage markings near the turbocharger outlet were a bit problematic, nothing too major though. Painting was done largely with MRP paints on this one, with the USAAF Medium grey on the underside and a mixture of MRP Olive Drab, NATO Green, and Tamiya RAF Green used for the upper surfaces.

The montex set came with masks for the checkerboard nose of the 78th Fighter Group, but the mask set was clearly not designed around actually be used as it didn't conform to the shape of the cowl. A A brief attempt of my own masking was tried before deciding this would take way too long. Luckily as this is a dual build I had Tamiya's bubbletop kit which came with decals for a plane of the same squadron as 'Eileen'. Thsse took a while to settle, but nothing that couldn't be solved with a lot of setting solution and some brush paint touch ups.


Nothing bad can really be said about this Thunderbolt kit, Tamiya definitely is the best in scale for this subject so I'll definitely be picking up this kit again in the future for their P-47M. The most difficult part of the kit was the checkerboard, I still somewhat think I should have tried harder with custom paint masking but I have a feeling I'd still be building the model now!

Reader reactions:
30  Awesome

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30 responses

  1. Spectacular result! Finish and weathering is superb. Well done

  2. That’s really nice, Harvey. One of the best P-47s that I’ve ever seen.

  3. Fantastic build of this great kit. One of the best P-47s on this site - and there are a lot of great ones.

  4. I can only repeat what John said. Great result!

  5. Indeed, looks perfect!

  6. A superb, absolutely wonderful result, Harvey!

  7. Well done, Harvey. Looks fantastic!

  8. Yes - she is a beauty - I am especially impressed by the checkerboard cowl - I love that look but know it's a bear to get right! Looks like your effort paid off there. The paint work overall is fantastic. Well done!

  9. Amazing as always, Harvey @scalerambush
    So much details, like the writing on the bomb for example.
    Painting and weathering is excellent as well.

    • Thank you! I do always wonder how I can make green aircraft better, I don't think I've quite cracked what the best wash is for the darker colours.

  10. You did a great job on this one. And I agree, Jugs look best in razorback form.

  11. Wow, Harvey @scalerambush! That's one impressive looking razorback jug. Fine job.

  12. Wow that is a great model and article

  13. Great looking P-47 Your paint finish is very well done.

  14. That is one Great Looking T-Bolt, Harvey.

  15. Great P-47! And an impressive job with the checkering decals.

  16. Congratulations, fantastic result. I am more of a bubble top person myself...but irrespective, the day I decide to build a P-47 I hope it will look even remotely as good as yours.

    • Thank you! The Thunderbolt was one I'd been meaning to get done for a while before I did it, I look forward to seeing yours when you do the same!

  17. Lovely Work Harvey - this is a great scheme

  18. G'day Harvey (@scalerambush),
    This is a great build.
    There are a couple of checker nose P-47s I intend to build one day and I'm not sure that the after market decals will fit. It is good to know that the Tamia ones work, so I might need to buy a couple.
    Great work on the shading to give some variation.
    I also like the worn leading edge around the invasion stripes, too.

    • Thank you! I think I forgot to mention it here but for the chipping I used chipping fluid over the grey underside colour before I painted the stripes.

      The Tamiya decals needed a fair amount of strong decal solution but with a bit of coercing they worked. I'd be curious to try other aftermarket decals and see if they work better, or if a mask set exists that actually fits unlike the montex one.

  19. Really nice result and a very realistic recreation of Eileen, which was a well-worn airplane given to "the new guy", 2nd Lt Frank Oiler, after he proved himself on a few missions over Normandy in July 1944. The panel with the bee was later transferred to his bubbletop in September.

    You're certainly right about the Tamiya P-47s.

    • Thank you! It's always interesting to find out about the stories of the pilots and planes, small tidbits it history that are often forgotten outside of the modelling circles.

  20. Harvey, Wonderful looking P-47 and "Yes" the Tamiya is Razorback is a great kit, and just might be my favorite kit of all times. Your paint work looks great, and who doesn't like lots of stripes and checkers. Yep, I like it a lot !

  21. Great looking razorback. Beautiful work on this P-47.

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