1/48th HobbyBoss P51 Mustang Build - Part 1 - Assembly

June 27, 2022 · in Aviation · · 15 · 1K


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15 responses

  1. Looking great so far, Tam!

  2. The best thing to do with the Hobby Loss P-51 is stick it back in the box, tape the box shut, and use it as a door stop. No matter how much skill, talent, perseverance, and pig-headed unwillingness to give up you bring to the project, it's still going to be a POS at the end, because that is it's essential nature.

    • thats literally the most ridiculous thing i've ever read in my entire life. Its a great little quick build kit. Not everyone like building 350 part kits, and Hobbyboss is a great compromise between quick build and good detailing.

      • I'll have to agree with you. Sometimes a simple build is relaxing if you dont give the inaccuracies the time of day. I'll be honest, I didn't know HB had a P-51, despite my love for Mustangs. In my opinion, if you'll have it, the go-to in-between on affordable, simple, and good detailed Mustangs would be the Tamiya kit, if you've never built it. No harm though, build away, and I'm looking forward to see what this can become. 🙂

      • I'm not complaining about it being simple. Simple is good. But how come they couldn't make it at least shape-accurate, like their very nice P-47D and P-38J? Both of which can sit next to Tamiya kits and look very good in comparison.

  3. Two equally valid sides here. Ultimately we all build for pleasure. So all modelers share a common goal.

  4. I’ve got two comments to make. First, Tam, if that’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever read then you must be a bit short of reading material. Second, you’re not allowed to disagree with Tom Cleaver, he’ll just mute you (ask me how I know). Good luck with the build by the way.

  5. No need to cry about it, just joking around.

  6. To Everyone:
    Lighten up Francis

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