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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

Hasegawa 1/72 P-40N Warhawk

November 9, 2022 · in Aviation · · 18 · 0.7K

I saw a beautiful 1/32 Burma theater Warhawk done by Will Pattinson on YouTube (, and love the way he "double chipped" the wing root area with the hairspray technique for both the metal and primer, and wanted to try that on a couple of P-40's. This is a Pacific theater N. I started this build so long ago, I don't remember if I added anything except drilling the gun barrels and exhausts and adding the spine whip aerial. P-40's require a bit of surgery on the gear legs to get them looking right in the up position. I'm still working on the Op. Torch P-40 - probably done by year's end as a couple of other builds have taken over the bench.

Many layers of weathering - Liquitex inks, oils, pastels, pencils, Tamiya weathering sets...

Last couple of pics were taken at our Nov. club meeting.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. As always a superb result, Greg, definitely fooling the scale! Weathering, among others, looks superb!
    Well done!

  2. Nice job, Greg. I like the chipping result as well as the overall look.

  3. You really made the most of the kit, I think your weathering and chipping turned out excellently! Exceptional even in the closeups! Definitely liked.

  4. Excellent Warhawk, Greg @gkittinger
    The overall weathering, especially the chipping, does look superb, even more if you realize this is 1/72.

  5. Nice work as usually expected from you @gkittinger.

  6. Very nice model ! Great chippage…@gkittinger

  7. A Greg Kittinger in flight classic! Looks great! Ain't you got some F-4s comin.

  8. Exceptionally neat work from you as usual, Greg, like the others have said, your weathering and finishing techniques really set it off, but to make this work, the basic modelling has to be first class as well. It’s hard to believe that it’s 1/72 scale, even on my iPad screen the photos are bigger than that.

  9. Great work, Greg (@gkittinger). I suspect most of us have built this kit at one time or another. I have trouble drilling out barrels in 1/48, so the thought of drilling out 1/72 barrels makes my hands shake. The double hairspray method looks great. I have seen several articles from people who build armor that use the same technique. There must be all sorts of cool effects you can get with this technique. Well done.

  10. A very nice Warhawk and up to your usual high standards, Greg. The weathering is fantastic, well worth all the time you put into it. I am going to try that hairspray chipping technique right away so thanks for posting that Will Pattinson link.

  11. A very impressive build, i like the different and subtle color shading! Great weathering.

  12. Looks very nice. I’m partial to 1/72 scale kits. Results like yours are what I strive for in this noble craft !

  13. Very nice, Greg. The chipping is superb.

  14. Fantastic P-40!

  15. Beautiful work Greg, the weathering and paint chipping came out great!

  16. Very nice work, Greg! Love the weathering. Will is one of those modelling masters that I really love to watch for inspiration.

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