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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Box Scale XB-70

December 7, 2022 · in Aviation · · 14 · 0.8K

I've done a few “nostalgia builds” this year and interestingly (to me anyway) most of them were kits that I wish I had made as a kid but I didn't. This box scale sort of falls in that category. I wanted a companion for my box scale B-52/X-15 and ran across this while perusing the web and decided to chance it. This was a big step for me because I hated Lindberg kits as a kid and hadn't built one in probably 50 years. I tried a few back then and they always turned out a disaster. It was so bad for me that I became superstitious and wouldn't even touch a Lindberg box for fear of my next model being ruined!

I don't know why I had such bad luck with them because this one turned out okay for the simple box scale kit it is. I blanked off the intakes and exhausts so the model would not be see-through. And, since there's no cockpit detail I panted the canopy. All in all it looks pretty cool sitting next to my BUFF. Now I should get back to that ancient B-36 to complete the threesome.

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. I had the same opinion about Lindberg kits. Nice work creating a silk purse. Will look great in your collection.

  2. Great result out of the elderly Lindberg kit, Scott!
    Looking forward to your B-36!

    • Thanks, Spiros! The B-36 has been a bit of a slog. It's the ancient Revell kit and is a putty monster. I'm on again, off again puttying, sanding and sculpting the canopy and nose area. Not to mention the wing roots, the nacelles, etc.

  3. It is nice to see these old Lyndberg kits built today with modelers with excellent building skills. Your XB-70 came out great!

  4. Excellent build of the Valkyrie!

  5. Looks great! I've only built one Lindberg kit so far, and had to work a bit to get something reasonable out of it. The Valkyrie came out nice!

  6. Very nice result of this not so often seen aircraft, Scott @guitarhack5
    This is an unknown brand to me.

    • I know Lindberg has a dedicated fan base and I will likely build another of their kits (I believe Round 2 now owns all the Lindberg molds) in the future, but IMHO you haven't missed much.

  7. Thank you all for the kind words.

  8. LOVE IT! I never had good luck with Lindberg kits…always thought they were cheaply made, you did this one justice! Looks GREAT

  9. When you show a Lindberg kit a little bit of love, you could get a marvelous looking model - just as you have shown, Scott (@guitarhack5).
    I'm betting Paul Lindberg would give you 2 thumbs up on your XB-70.
    I do have to admit I had a chuckle when I read this line on a old Lindbergh kit:

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  10. Nice build! Love this plane that was ahead of its time back then. In fact it still looks futuristic.

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