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Martin Trachsel
17 articles

1/48 Martin B-26B Marauder

January 15, 2023 · in Aviation · · 24 · 1.2K


This is the (Monogram) Martin B-26B . The decals are from AeroMaster.

Thanks for looking


Reader reactions:
28  Awesome

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24 responses

  1. Very neat work on display here, Martin, excellent example of a Marauder.

  2. Well done. Thatโ€™s not an easy kit.

  3. Looking great, Martin @matra
    Never noticed before that there were variants with fuselage gunner positions.

  4. Excellent nob on a challenging kit, Martin!

  5. Great build on that old Monogram kit Martin ๐Ÿ‘Œ nice one ๐Ÿ‘

  6. Martin, @matra
    Not the easiest of kits to build with such perfection as you display here. Excellent NMF by the way

  7. Nice build. I remember how challenging that kit was for me around 20 years ago. I like your NMF finish.

  8. Very cool you caught the size difference between the wing and the fuselage stripes. Turns out many of us didn't spot that.

    Very nice result. So much for "it's unbuildable!" Looks good.

  9. Yes, not the best fitting kit, but you sure nailed it and it looks terrific, Martin @matra. Looks like you sanded down the raised panel lines as well. Just right.

    Apparently ICM is going to release a new tool Marauder later in 2023. Now that's something to look forward to.

  10. Great looking Martin Marauder !

  11. Great job, nice looking Marauder!

  12. G'day Martin (@matra),
    This is a good looking build.

  13. Great build! Seems like this was a challenging kit but you really pulled it off. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Nice clean build - well done!

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