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Bryan W. Bernart
40 articles

Trumpeter RA-5C Vigilante

March 29, 2023 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1K

Another case of buy the kit, then read the reviews just before building. Oh, my!

One of three kits that I didn't think would be available in the future due to their countries of origin, I purchased this and two other "gotta haves", all for far more than what seems to be my established (somehow) target price of $20USD.

What could possibly go wrong?

I solved the pertinent fuselage issues quickly with judicious use of thick CA, sheet aluminum and plenty of clamps, so that took care of the shape issue that spawned aftermarket fixes. What you can't see I didn't do and what I did left me a little let down.

Paint was mostly MM enamel, but I did my first large area in acrylic, which has taken some getting used to. I am also adapting to a new air brush, replacing my old Paasche "V" with a new Paasche Talon. Although I am by no means an airbrush expert, the Talon is everything I ever needed and money well spent.

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

12 responses

  1. these images wouldn't download with the post, so...

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  2. Really fine work and a triumphal result getting the Trumpeter kit into shape, Bryan. Would have loved to see the work you did with sheet aluminum in in-progress shots - like building the real aircraft or a full scale mock up! I have the Cutting Edge fixes for the forward fuselage but I have yet to work up the gumption to tackle the kit plus add-ons. You've shown us all how serious skill and determination can get perfect results without the benefit of a lot of after market. I love the subtle painting and weathering you've done as well. I use acrylics exclusively and know their challenges and it looks like you mastered them quickly where you needed them.

  3. Great result with what was the most disappointing Trumpy kit I ever got hold of.

  4. Looks great! I agree with Colin on the paint work - the mottling looks really good.

  5. Beautifully done Bryan !

  6. Wow, that's a lovely looking Vigilante.

  7. A great result on what seems to be a challenging kit, Bryan @plasticslave
    Very nice paintwork.

  8. Congratulations, Bryan! An excellent result over a challenging kit!

  9. Nice job on a tough kit.

  10. Nice work on a not so nice kit. Thanks for the encouragement. I too refused to pay $70 when that thing came out. I got one second hand a couple years ago for $35 which I thought was fair.

  11. Well done on correcting and completing this kit, Bryan.

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