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Robert D Carley
12 articles

Uncle's B-24H and Some D-Day Aircraft

March 1, 2023 · in Aviation · · 23 · 1K

I've been building World War II plastic models in 1/48th scale for about 60 years. I've built over 100 models. The B-24H model I built to honor my Uncle Harold Fox who was a ball turret gunner on Two Ton Tessie. The other models are D-Day aircraft involved in Project Overlord. I am in the process of making a display for our local library. I hope you enjoy.

I'm updating this article with some new photos of my latest D-Day models. The first three photos of a P-38-J I built about 2001 (monogram Kit 5479). Rather than build another model just for invasion stripes I added them to this one for my display. The other photos are of a Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIC (Hasegawa Kit JT51) with stripes added which I just completed.

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11  Awesome

25 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. A nice collection! Are you still building? Welcome to iModeler, by the way!

    • Still building. Too much fun to stop. Just started a B-25J for a D-Day collection. After that I have a Ju 52 and a Mosquito B Mk. IV to keep me busy and happy. I have some more lined up but they are either too expensive or not 1/48.

  2. That's a nice collection of Monogram classics. Welcome to iModeler.

  3. An amazing collection, Robert!
    Welcome aboard!

  4. That's a fine looking collection, thanks for sharing!

  5. Welcome to this great community, Robert @bsc4849
    Your presented models are truly amazing and the B24 is a great honor to your uncle.
    Love to see more of your builds.

  6. I love your collection, great builds! And welcome to the iModeler's site.

  7. Well done Robert and welcome to iModeler. You'll enjoy the visit, now get busy with that Mossie and JU-52 you bought from me.

  8. Nice collection, Robert! Welcome to imodeler.

  9. Great stuff. Nice homage to your uncle as well.

  10. So many good builds there, Robert, welcome to iModeler.

  11. Great collection, Robert! All look marvelous. Welcome aboard!

  12. Beautiful collection of classic models , nice work on all of them.

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