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dale travis
75 articles

1/48 FW 190 F-8

April 1, 2023 · in Aviation · · 24 · 543

This is the newer tool kit. The only cockpit enhancements were a throttle lever made from plastic strip and rod and Quinta seat belts. What attracted me to do this build was the unusual paint scheme. The upper wing surfaces and tail planes were finished in a very faded 74/75 scheme. The unusual fuselage paint scheme suggests that this was a recycled airframe. When repainting in the recycled process it was standard to avoid a complete respray and apply paint only where needed and usually avoiding national insignia .The unusual straw shade of RLM 76, which in some sources is called RLM 84, was applied to the fuselage and fin. In addition random mottling of RLM 83 was to the fuselage. The only aftermarket items used were Master gun barrels modified to fit and Vector control surfaces. I added the electrical wires to the landing gear actuators and to the starboard actuator the tail retraction cable. This plane had the late war "blown" canopy so when it was open the aerial wire collapsed to the fuselage spine. I used EZ line which I added insulators by gloss white paint and a tension spring where the wire is attached to the small fin mast.

I've included in the photos a picture of the real plane as photographed in Chrumdim, Czechoslovakia, May 1945

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

24 responses

  1. Excellent result, Dale!

  2. Amazing build, Dale @dtravis
    Very nice work on the aerial antenna.
    Well done.

  3. Good build on the butcher bird Dale. Excellent 😊

  4. Love the mottled scheme. Awesome job, Dale!

  5. Great work Dale @dtravis
    As you know I’m a big fan of the Wurger, and the F versions are usually second rated by modelers as a preferred version… which is a shame given that many sport absolutely unique camouflages, as is yours here. Thumbs up as usual!

  6. Nice F-8. Your paint looks realistic, just like the photo of the real thing. Always nice to have reference photos!

  7. Thanks much Chas.

  8. Excellent butcher bird.
    Hase FW190s are pretty decent kits IMO, easier builds than the Eduard series.

  9. Well done Dale! 👍 @dtravis, That is very striking "Butcher Bird"! 👏

  10. Love the camo and excellent weathering with elements of rust, Dale @dtravis. Recommend those Quinta belts?

    • Thanks Eric for your complements. Yes I think the Quinta 3D decals are fabulous, much easier to use than photo etch and more realistic looking...

  11. G'day Dale (@dtravis),
    The Fw190 is my favourite aircraft, and this is a great, low key scheme that you pulled off brilliantly.

  12. A very nice looking 190!

  13. A beauty once again Dale. Love the paint work. Currently building Tamiya's version

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