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Chas Bunch
52 articles

My Vintage Testors Builds

April 9, 2023 · in Aviation · · 10 · 0.7K

Here's my builds from about 2010. I've always had a thing for Ryan PT-22s and ST3KRs, having flown several in the '60s and '70s. I could never find a PT-22 kit, so I went with the Testors PT-20 kits and modified one to a PT-20A configuration with the addition of a Kinner engine from Engines & Things (not the best) and scratch built the nose section. Then I added a Dutch STM-S2 on floats to the Ryan collection. I used Model Master paints and Yellow Wings decals, and the kit decals for the STM-S2, rigged with flat stainless wire, added Eduard belts and harnesses, and scratch built some cockpit details. The PT-22 is a little different from these models, as it has a slightly swept wing, and only recently Silver Wings offered a resin kit of the PT-22 in 1:32. I might have to raid my retirement account and build that one some day.

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20  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Excellent builds on all 3 types. They all look great too!

  2. They look nice and I really like the NMF!

  3. Nice work on all three, @chasbunch. Great results.

    Hold on to your retirement account. There's a Ukrainian company that is bound to do a 1/48 PT-22 one of these days.

    I had a friend who had a Ryan back in the 70s. I used to love using it as a photoplane. That front seat was perfect - nothing in the way! Here's a shot of the "Ryan fly-by" the old Modesto Antique Airplane Fly-In from "back in the day."

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  4. Gorgeous collection, all so well finished. I particularly love how nicely you've fabricated the PT-22, it's simply wonderful!

  5. Nice work and presentation Chas ! These Planes are gorgeous.

  6. Amazing collection, Chas!
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. A beautiful collection, Chas @chasbunch
    The shininess of the NMF is amazing, as well as the way the pictures have been taken.
    Well done.

  8. Nice collection, Chas!

  9. Nice! I had a vintage1941 calendar with a photo of the Dutch float plane, it was a promotion by EDO corp. the builders of the floats, sadly I gave it away when I left that company.

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