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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Tamiya Wildcat

June 22, 2023 · in Aviation · · 11 · 301

This is the third of three kits I picked up from the vendor tables at last year's local IPMS contest, the -4. (And now I've finished all three. Yay me!)

As usual with Tamiya, the kit goes together without a problem. The rivets are probably a bit large for the scale but one can sand those down if so inclined. The only drawback for me was that the canopy cannot be posed open without major modifications. I didn't realize that until late in the build so I decided not to make the modifications.

Sadly, I created a fine crack in the canopy when polishing it up. Oh well, I planned on finding a vacuform canopy to fit in the open position anyway so when it turns up, I will make the switch.

I very much like the look of the finished model.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome 3 

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11 responses

  1. nice work scott. It is one of my favorite aircraft from the ww2 period.

  2. I like how you weathered the white undersides. Very nice all the way around, Scott.

  3. Very nice looking Wildcat, Scott @guitarhack5
    From the pictures it is not visible that you have a cracked canopy.

  4. You can get an F4F-4 vac canopy (Squadron/Falcon) from Decal Supply Corps on eBay. Make sure you get the one for Tamiya (Falcon made one for the old Monogram too).

  5. Excellent result, Scott!

  6. Looks great, Scott. Well done!

  7. Nice build! Great work

  8. Good work, Scott.

  9. Nice clean build! Looks great.

  10. Nice work, great looking Wildcat!

  11. A great looking Wildcat! Love the scheme.

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