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Jay Mitchell
35 articles

1/48 SAAF Hawker Hurricane

September 27, 2023 · in Aviation · · 28 · 0.6K

This kit was a gift to me from my friend , Morné @mornem. He shipped it to me here in Oklahoma from South Africa…. so this is really a South African !

I used my airbrush, Tamiya paints, and AML paint masks to paint this model.

The model had some custom made decals with the correct orange used instead of red on the national insignia markings .

No. 6 Squadron flew these MkIID Hurricanes in . Dubbed “Flying Can Openers” for the effect their twin 40mm canons had on the German vehicles that they hunted. The recoil from the canons would eventually cause damage to the wing structure .

Although it's not the newest Hurricane kit available , it still a great kit. Not too simple, yet not too complex …... the Goldielocks of models .

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28 responses

  1. Jay you have done an OUTSTANDING job on this SAAF Hurricane Mk. IID. Your paint finish and subtle weathering adds to the element of realism you achieved. Your photos and display have done justice to the work you have put into this 'tank buster'. Well done!

    RAF 6 Squadron had a few SAAF pilots and their success and the need for more tank busters resulted in SAAF 7 Squadron taking over some Hurricanes from 6 Squadron. The Orange in the roundels, denoting it as a SAAF aircraft, was applied as soon as 7 Squadron received their Hurricanes.

  2. Fantastic model sir. Also, a nod for using the Paasche H.

  3. Thank you for the added info , Morné @mornem , I appreciate your kind remarks about my efforts on this model. The North African Desert war aircraft are my favorite to model .

  4. The flying can opener! Very nice job on a rare (these days) type of Hurricane

    • No, I hadn’t seen that video before, Bill @billkoppos , thank you for posting it here. It’s very good. I wish I had the same accent as the narrator . That’s an impressive 1/24th scale Hurricane ! A+ for your work on that one !

  5. Fantastic job, Jay!

  6. Nice job on that Can Opener, Jay. Hasegawa Hurricanes still rock and you can't beat the Paasche H for simplicity, I've been using one forever.

  7. Your friend must be really proud to see his gift modelled this nicely, Jay @ssgt
    My favorite Hurricane variant and it looks even better the way you build it.

  8. Really nice work, Jay (@ssgt). Well done.

  9. Hurricanes usually look good and this one’s no exception.

  10. Excellent Hurricane in desert pajamas! I'm partial to desert schemes, and you pulled it off nicely.

  11. Nice work, Jay. I still like that kit too.

  12. Great job Jay @ssgt! I love the desert scheme and I love it more with a red spinner. Your build looks like the real McCoy!

  13. Hey there, Bob @v1pro , thank you for the compliments ! Hurricanes , like P-40s, look great with red spinners I think.

  14. Nice work on what is a really great kit for it's day, Jay @ssgt. Paint looks terrific. Always cool to see what a good ol' Paasche H can do.

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