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Manuel Magrinho
80 articles

JU-87 Stuka G-1; Matchbox, 1:72

October 2, 2024 · in Aviation · · 18 · 201

This is an old kit from the 1970's, that we still remember πŸ™‚
The was a very special aircraft, specialy for a young boy. Having built a couple in the 1970/80's imagine what I felt when a friend gave me another recently...
The kit parts were ok, but the decals were completely ruined. Neverthless, I decided that I would try to use them.

After building and painting the kit with the fabulous Hataka Paints, I washed the decals with Microset and placed them. So far, so good. The Microset removed the mould and help them to stick to surface. Microsol ended the job.

At this point I decided that I'd go on with first plan: a winter camo. πŸ™‚

Hope you like,

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18 responses

  1. Great job on that old-time kit. Your build & finish are super.

    I recall the mid-1970's when on many Saturdays I'd drive from Stamford, CT way around to the Long Island, NY Squadron Shop. The place was often filled with eager modelers, excited to shop for goodies to add to the stash. As I recall, 1/72 Matchbox kits cost $3 to $4 while Monogram and Tamiya were the same or a bit more.
    You could walk out of the shop with a fairly good-sized bag of kits for $25. "Those were the days."

  2. Marvellous work, Manuel…as usual.
    Matchbox kits provide very fond memories for me. Whenever I run into one for sale, I pick the kit up, think about it and flip a coin (mentally) to resolve to buy it or not.
    Your Stuka is a great example of what can be done with these classic kits.

  3. Ah...the panel trenches! The G-version was one of my favorite Matchbox kits because of those menacing gun pods. I have a book about Matchbox and their clever marketing aimed at boys. The box with the window, the colors of the plastic, everything was thought out. It worked for me because I built them all and ignored Airfix...

  4. Wonderful result, my friend Manuel! What better than tackling a Matchbox kit!

  5. Matchbox definitely brings back good memories, Manuel @magrus
    What a wonderful StuKa you created out of this old kit.
    Especially that winter camouflage scheme looks amazing.

  6. Wonderfully done! Your winter camo came out gorgeous. Love seeing these old kits done well.

  7. I’ve work. Amazing that you salvaged those decals. I might try that trick on some similarly cruddy Matchbox decals for a Siskin.

  8. I love the different coloured plastic!

  9. Great job,Manual. I love the old matchbox kits, especially when built using today's know-how.

    • Thks Bob! yes, there's something about them, maybe old memories πŸ˜‰ building them with today's know-how, products and tools is a chalenge, at least to me. I have to refrain and build them as they were (huge panel lines, for example)

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