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Rafi Ben-Shahar
445 articles

Border 1/35 B5N2 Kate

March 4, 2025 · in Aviation · · 16 · 325

Border's is probably the first mold with stressed skin surface. It may seem exaugurated to some. Yet, the simulated metal corrugations and fabric indentations can be mitigated with proper painting and even without sanding and filling.

The model is well detailed and the mold is engineered in innovative ways to avoid the common fuselage and wing seams. However, it is harder to join the parts together with this design. The major downsize of the model (if the un-orthodox scale is accepted) is the suggestive instructions that lack proper internal part positioning and color designation. Internal navigation lights are not supplies.

I present a near completed model to highlight surface texture.

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16 responses

  1. That looks really detailed . The skin surface and wing rib look very realistic, as does the worn looking paint. I wonder why they chose 1/35th scale.

  2. Looks excellent, Rafi! A challenging model for sure, but the stressed skin effect adds extra realism!
    Two thumbs up!

  3. Excellent detail as always.

  4. A very realistic looking Kate, Rafi @blackmopane
    This stretched skin effect combined with your painting skills turned out beautifully.

  5. Very nice, Rafi. I like the wings missing look

  6. Rafi, your Kate looks excellent so far. I can only detect the oil canning effect in a few areas. Your worn paint simulation is exceptional.

  7. Excellent product, and excellent execution thus far! A real looker.

  8. Excellent! Looks like a captured Kate getting ready to be shipped to the US.

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