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Robert Royes
255 articles

2022 in review

December 22, 2022 · in Uncategorized · 18 · 548

My 2022 builds. Happy Christmas, and a Merry New Year, a Peaceful one.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 1 

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Note: There are three other builds, but I can't seem to download their pics.

  2. These all look great ! I especially like the Phantom and the Convair 990 !

  3. Great collection of work Robert! Keep it going in 2023- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. Nice collection Robert and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you as well.

  5. Congrats on your 2022 output, Rob. I'm partial to the "black and white" ride and A-10.

  6. Robert Royes (@roofrat)
    Nice work here my friend. Like Gary, I'm partial to the 4 letter word car. The one that starts with "F". Being a die hard Mopar fan, it's hard to say that one... Just kidding of course. The twin seat Hog brought back some memories for me too. Thanks

    Take care buddy, and Merry Christmas to you too.

    I definitely clicked on the "like" button.

  7. I enjoyed your work this year, Robert, let’s have a merry Christmas and a good 2023.

  8. Nice work, Robert. Here's to time for more in 2023.

  9. ,cheers everybody!

  10. Another fantastic, productive year, my friend @roofrat!

    Oh yeah, there are other posts. All look great Robert (@roofrat), nice work in 2022!

  12. A very impressive 2022, Robert @roofrat
    All of them equally beautiful.
    Let's continue the great work in 2023.

  13. Nice line-up Robert !

  14. Quite interesting gems! Especially the Convair 990 🙂
    Have another productive, happy and healthy year 2023, Robert!

  15. Nice collection Robert, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you as well.

  16. Nice line-up! Any time I see a Phantom or two I'm engaged!

  17. Nicely done Robert, happy new year.

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