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Brian Riedel
45 articles

1/48 Otaki Bf-109G-6

June 23, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 187

Before , Hasegawa, and began releasing their great kits of the Bf-109G-6, there was . Recessed panel lines and rivets, enclosed wheel wells and, while not accurate, cockpits.

Here's a couple I have built long ago.

First up, Bf-109G-6 of Hermann Graf. I think the rocket tubes are from the kit, wheels are True Details. I forget where the decals are from.

Second, Bf-109G-6 of7./JG53. Decals by MSAP.True Details wheels.

Brian Riedel

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7  Awesome 2  1  1 

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Those Otaki kits were ahead of their time. Moe results with these.

  2. Excellent results. Once the paint is on, it is hard to tell if it is a newer kit or not.

  3. They look awesome, Brian @bzak
    Nicely chosen schemes and perfectly applied.

  4. Great job! With Squadron mail order back in business maybe I can get that True Details wheel set. I bought another Otaki 109G at a swap meet last weekend and those would be a nice replacement for the kit wheels.
    Once again, my compliments for a job well done!

  5. Nice work, Brian. Great to see these old 109s.

  6. Excellent works, Brian!

  7. Lovely pair of 109's! Great work.

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