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P-40B "Pearl Harbor" 1/48th Airfix

October 14, 2024 · in Aviation · · 15 · 88

I have always liked the in all its variations, although I do think I like the earlier variants better, like I do for the P-38. When I saw the kit and read the reviews I knew I wanted to build one. Unfortunately I am trying to be good and not buy any more kits since my stash is bigger than my life expectancy. Still a show I saw one being offered up at a price too good to pass up.

This was my first ever Airfix kit and have to say I think it was overall very good, not Tamiya, but very good. The detail is very nice, the fit was overall also very good, I am just not sure if I like the plastic or not. The kit is built 100% out of the box, with the only upgrade being I riveted the kit. I downloaded some scale drawings in 1/72 and then scaled them up to 1/48th. Curtiss like Grumman liked their rivets, but that helped with the very sturdy structure that could take very high G-forces for the day. Overall I enjoyed the kit and it was a relaxing non stressful, uneventful build. That was great after finishing my B-24D.

The markings are for 2nd Lt . George Welch in the 47th Pursuit Squadron, 15h Pursuit Group on Wheeler Field in Ouha, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. I wanted to do this one and if I find an Eduard Zero on the cheap, I think these two will make a nice display.

I painted and weathered it to show little wear or tear as the planes were fairly new to the Army Air Corp at the time. I used MrHobby, and AK Lacquer Colors for the the OD and Neutral Gray. I tried to get some variation but not heavily worn or sun faded since the aircraft had not been in Hawaii too long.

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15  Awesome 6 

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15 responses

  1. Looks perfect, Walt @luftwaffe-bird. It’s one of Airfix’s best kits and a pleasure to build. I’ll have to give those AK lacquers a try.

  2. The subtle rivets really add an air of realism to the kit, great choice there. Airfix plastic, from what I understand, varies (or varied) depending on where the kit was manufactured. It is different than most, to be sure... All around a very nice showing with this P-40 Walt, though I particularly like the left rear quarter shot that you shared. 🙂

  3. Very nice. I am just finishing a P 40b as a Flying Tiger that I will post soon. Such a nice plane and so old school.

  4. Excellent result on this P40, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman
    What material did you use for the antenna wires.

    • Thanks, John, @johnb. I have been using Invisible Thread for years. I use the "Smoke" colored invisible nylon type thread. It works very well with the cyanoacrylate glue and is fairly strong. You can also tighten it with a little heat. It also comes in different thicknesses, I don't remember what thickness mine is, the labels on the end of the spool are long gone. One spool will probably last you a lifetime.

  5. Just gorgeous.

  6. Beautiful finish. Did you use an oil wash?

    • Thanks Russel, @russjurco. I have used oil washes for years, but recently started using AK Interactive Weathering Washes and Filters. A good friend of mine sent me about ten bottles of them, various premixed colors for different applications, like Engine, Landing Gear, Green Colors, Gray Colors and so on. I don't use it until I have a good gloss clearcoat on the paint, because it will ad add a filter to the overall finish even a high quality clear. I like it because it dries quickly and wipes off easily where it is not wanted.

  7. Terrific early P-40, Walt (@luftwaffe-birdman). Nice precise riveting and paintwork. I think you made the correct choice on the weathering for this particular bird.

  8. Good looking build Walt! Thanks for sharing.


  9. Lovely build and really nice work on the riveting. Excellent finish.

  10. Nice job on one of my favorite kits!

  11. Very clean build. P-40 of any vintage is the quintessential fighter.

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