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mark poulton
22 articles

Academy 1/48th F-4B

December 18, 2015 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.8K

Returning to my US Navy theme, one of my all time favourite aircraft the McDonnell Douglas .

The version is a very nice model and certainly benefits from modern moulding technology. The one piece main fuselage is a big bonus.

I have the F-4J partially completed as well and can see me making a few more of these. There just so many excellent squadron markings to use from the colourful grey and white era and the Phantom is the perfect back drop for them.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Nice build im like

  2. Hello Mark...That's a good looking Phantom in the colorful markings of VF-11. I certainly agree that there are many fine squadron marking possibilities for that gray over white paint scheme both from USN and USMC units. I look forward to seeing more of your fine work.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Sullivan here...nice work (can't have too many Phantoms on the shelf).

  4. Phantom is my fav also, and I love the Sundowners scheme. Very nicely done. I wish you'd add a bit more light to your photos (or use a graphic program to lighten them up a bit) so we could see more detail! Shame to hide such nice work in the "shade!"

    • Thanks for the advice Greg. I've had a go at lighting them and hope that's improve he view!

      Best I work at my photography but good advice and I like to heed advice to improve.i

  5. Nice build, I have my 2nd build of this great kit next in line after my COD is done. Good job on yours!

  6. Very nice work!

  7. Mark, Looks great. Wonderful markings.

  8. Another great build. Cool choice of markings!

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