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Ulrich Schütt
21 articles

Hasegawa 1/32; Kawasaki Ki-61-II Kai Hien “bubbletop” ( conversion)

February 28, 2013 · in Aviation · · 4 · 3.4K

This is a build I've made a couple of years ago. It's the 1:32 scale Hasegawa Ki-61 Hien which I converted into the "late" Ki-61-II Kai "Bubbletop" version, which later was fitted with a radial engine when there was a lack of inline engines and became known as the Ki-100 Goshiken fighter ( type 5 fighter)
What I've done; I sanded down the hump of the cowling, enlarged the cowling with Evergreen, cut the "fastback" ( back of fuselage) and filled it with Evergreen and putty, enlarged the vertical stabilisor, scratchbuild an air intake and used the the resin canopy of a 1:32 scale Ki-100, which I bought from AtoZ models ( Alleycat) for GBP 7,50 incl. shipping.
( build report in Dutch with pics, )
Everything is painted by hand or with airbrush except for the numbers on the tail which are decals of a 1:48 Tamiya A6M5 Zero
I used drawings of a Ki-61-II, pics of the last remaining Hien which is a Ki-61-II Kai razorback, a 1:48 scale Ki-100 (for reference of the tail) as reference.
My appologies for my English it's not my native tongue, so I hope you understand what i've written.

Best regard;

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5  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Excellent Goshiki-Sen! And done with Modeling skills only. Great job. I have the Alley-Cat conversion for the Hien, the fastback version. Yours makes my wish I got the "Bubbletop". Nice to see another Japanese aircraft enthusiast here. And your English is perfectly understandable. Hope you understand mine!

  2. Beautiful, the panel fade is perfect. You sir get an 11!

  3. The work to enlarge the cowling is both difficult and commendable. I did a Ki.61 Tei with the Wolfpack resin cowling conversion, and was very surprised at the fact the nose was a good quarter-inch longer than the early version the kit represents.

    You've done a good job here with your scratchbuilding and kit-bashing.

    For those not into hacking and sanding, I think Alley-Cat (AtoZee's conversions) does this with a full resin fuselage replacement.

  4. Ulrich,
    That is really something! Perfect work all around. I need to do one of those in 1/48!

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