14 articles · 1.6K karma · 5 friends · active 8 hours, 32 minutes ago

North American P-51C Mustang "Apache II" - USAAF 99th FS, 332nd FG Tuskegee AirmenRamitelli, Italiy 1944

Hello dear iModelers, Here I am back after long months of absence, with a P-51C "Red Tails" of the Tusgekee Airmen, and more precisely Apache II piloted by Lieutenant Henry "Herky" Perry. This is the Tamiya model, [...]

Saab J 29B Tunnan S/N 29475 - UN Squ. No. 22 (Sweden) - Congo - 1961/1963

Dear Imodelers, Please find my latest model, a Saab Tunnan from Hobby Boss. Initially, I was thinking of making a classic aluminum version. But Hobby Boss also offers a camouflaged version, to say the least, new, with UN roundels (squares [...]

Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVI TB886 – F/L Bill Harper – No. 421 Squ. RCAF – April/May 1945

Bonjour chers iModelers, This is my rendition of the excellent Spitfire Mk.XVI by Eduard. The model comes from the dual combo kit "The Rise of the Bubbletops" in the Edu'Art series (The kit includes also a Fw 190 D-9 that I will [...]

Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk - US Navy VT-7USS Lexington

Bonjour chers iModelers, This is my rendition of the colourful TA-4J Skyhawk of the VT-7. This version is quite known, but I wanted to have it in my showcase ! The Hasegawa kits comes with some issues, as often with this brand. But the [...]

Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero Type 22 - IJN 251 Kokutai - Hiroyoshi NishizawaSpring 1943

Bonjour dear iModelers, After my previous Corsair, it was logical to follow with a Zero fighter. I had on stock the Hasegawa A6M3 Type 22 model (JT17) for more than 20 years, therefore it was time to take care of it. I decided to make a [...]

Vought F4U-1D Corsair – US Navy VF-84 – USS Bunker Hill - Febr.1945

Bonjour chers iModelers, I am glad to introduce my latest model, a very classic Corsair from VF-84, but I wanted it on my shelf. It is the well-known Tamiya kit which is, despite of its age, a more than excellent kit. My first try with [...]

Macchi C.202 Folgore - 21° Gruppo Autonomo C.T. - 1943

Bonjour dear iModelers, I wanted to make a "full options" model, with difficult camouflage, just to test my possibilities. My choice fell on the MC.202 Folgore d'Hasegawa, re-boxed by Eduard in 2016 in Limited Edition (#1132), [...]

MiG-21F-13 “Fishbed-C” – 32nd Fighter Guard Regiment, VVS, Kublinka AB, USSR, 1962

Bonjour chers iModelers, Please find my rendition of the MiG-21F-13 from Trumpeter at 1/48 scale. The F-13 is my favorite version of the MiG-21, very sharp. Finish metal has been realized with Vallejo Metal Color paints with an undercoat [...]

MiG-15bis “Fagot” – 17th IAP, 303rd IAD, Red 139, Cap. Bytchkov (Korean War)

Bonjour chers imodelers, This is my rendition of the MiG-15, under the colours of the North Korean Air Force early 50s, but piloted by Russians, as everybody knows. The Tamiya model is almost perfect despite its age. I used Metallic [...]

Saab J 35Ö Mk.II Draken – Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte Fliegerregiment 2, 1. Staffel

Bonjour chers imodelers, This is my rendition of the Saab J 35 Draken, under the colours of the Austrian Air Force in 2003. The model is the one from Eduard/Hasegawa with photo-etched parts, resin parts, adhesive masks and Cartograf [...]