377 articles · 26.9K karma · 19 friends · active 28 minutes ago

Models have been along periodically since childhood.
Over the years, I built close to 1000 models.
I want to share my excitement from this great hobby with the images presented here.

Hasegawa 1/48 F-4E Phantom IDF

Although showing its age, Hasegawa's 1/48 F-4E model looks like the real aircraft when completed. It has many shortfalls but, the relatively low part number count allows the builder to get to the painting stage quickly. In this model, I [...]

Roden 1/48 IDF OV-1D Mohawk

The two Mohawk aircraft that served in the IDF endured less than 8 years in service before being returned to the US. Both particular aircraft are displayed in aviation museums. Roden's Mohawk is a difficult kit to build. It requires [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 F-8E Crusader

In the real Crusader aircraft the panel lines are not so obvious. Yet, I made an exception to enhance the 3D feel of this classic naval fighter.

Hasegawa 1/48 Macchi C.202 Folgore

Five models of the venerable Hasegawa Macchi Folgore.

Eduard 1/48 MiG 21R

The 1/48th scale MiG 21 is my favorite Eduard model. It is highly detailed. It is not over engineered and does not pose un-expected design hurdles. Most of all it has almost endless attractive color schemes. Here are two examples of the [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Lancaster B I/III

Two Lancaster models are presented here that differ in the engine layout and the H2S radar. Tamiya's venerable Lancaster was criticized for the poor fit of parts, especially the engine nacelles to the wings and (wrongly) for the raised [...]

Eduard 1/48 A6M3 Model 32

Eduard's 1/48 Zero series is similar to previous offerings by the company. Texture surface is excellent and there are plenty of details. However, the engineering of the kit and the quality control are not up to the high standard of [...]

Wingnut Wings Albatross D.V: The mount of Fritz Rumey and M.C. Escher's anomality

Years ago, when Wingnut Wings was in business, I received the 1/32 Albatross D.V for review. I chose the mount of Fritz Rumey with the black lines spiraling along the fuselage on white background. Instructions specified that there were two [...]

Kinetic 1/48 Mirage 2000B

The French Mirage is among the most elegant aircraft ever produced. Kinetic managed to capture well the sleek lines of the Mirage 2000 variant. The kit is good, but not trouble free. The fit of parts is has more to be desired. Whenever I [...]

1/48 FM Handley Page Halifax Mk III

A short run kit and a difficult build, but well worth the effort.