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Rafi Ben-Shahar
410 articles

Trumpeter 1/35 BM-21 Grad

March 4, 2024 · in Armor · · 17 · 298

The iconic Russian multiple rocket launcher is well depicted in 's offering. I chose a Syrian Army scheme where the system is widely used.
The build is somewhat challenging due to the complexity of the system and vehicle. Nonetheless, the model is well detailed, and the fit of parts is good.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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17 responses

  1. Your work on this armor is wonderful as well, Rafi @blackmopane
    Beautifully detailed.

  2. Well done BM-21.

  3. Love the dust effects on the tires and under the fenders. What did you use to achieve that? It's spot on and looks amazing, Rafi. That's an effect that can be used on everything, and something I struggle with getting the results I'm looking for.

  4. Trucks can make great models, Rafi, and this is a good example, the weathered finish is terrific, a shame it’s Russian though.

  5. Great looking piece of armor. The tires are especially well done.

  6. Excellent job and fantastic result on this nice but challenging kit, Rafi! This B-21 looks outstanding!

  7. Lots of good work in the assembly, and some amazing paintwork - looks like it spent 20 years in the desert.

  8. A great hard looking model with a soft touch. Well executed and very nice to look at.

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