369 articles · 26.5K karma · 19 friends · active 6 days, 2 hours ago

Models have been along periodically since childhood.
Over the years, I built close to 1000 models.
I want to share my excitement from this great hobby with the images presented here.

Trumpeter 1/48 Vigilante RA-5C

Trumpeter's Vigilante was never on my list due to reports on shape and fit issues related to the kit. Nonetheless, I received this model from a friend and promptly built it. In spite of the bad reputation, it builds to an impressive [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 F-16A IDF "Netz"

The venerable Hasegawa F-16A kit is an excellent platform to depict IDF's Netz (Hawk.) All you need to do is to add an appropriate decal sheet (Isradecal in this case) and a resin ACES II ejection seat. The visible cockpit area craves for [...]

Academy and Dragon 1/35 "Magach" variants in the IDF

Over the years the M48A and its successor the 60A has undergone extensive modifications in the IDF service. "Magach" stands for battering-ram. Magach variants are among my favorite AFV models. Without effort, when completed the [...]

ProModeler Monogram F4E Phantom II

ProModeler's F-4E is a re-boxing of Hasegawa's Phantom. It is an early F-4E model without the slats. Although painted in the SEA scheme it appears that the aircraft never left the US although it has a MIG kill marking. My guess is that the [...]

Mirror Models 1/35 Diamond T969 Wrecker

This innocent looking Diamond Wrecker is a wolf in a sheep skin. In general, cranes are difficult to build because of the intricate winch cable system. In this kit the inherent difficulty was further confounded by vague instructions and [...]

Meng 1/48 F-35A Lightning IIAnd how it compares with the Tamiya kit

Having completed the Tamiya equivalent kit, I was left with a large decal sheet that motivated me to explore the potential of aircraft variants. Tamiya provides two major options for early and late Lightning. The main visible difference [...]

Trumpeter 1/35 DRB Class 52 locomotive

Trumpeter did a good job in depicting the iconic WWII German locomotive at the 1/35th scale. Or maybe I am not familiar enough with the locomotive to criticize design issues...

Monogram 1/48 B-24J: The Dragon and His Tail

A famous "nose art" sported by a Liberator serving in the Pacific Theater. I used Kitsworld Decals. Since the application of decals over large and uneven surfaces is tricky, I approached the project with caution. Nonetheless, the [...]

Czech 1/48th Mig 21MF

I present her two Mig-21 by Eduard in the Czech Air Force sporting unusual schemes. A great kit with almost endless color schemes. What else could you ask for? I used Syhart decals for the splinter camouflage

Trumpeter 1/16 T 34/76 Model 1942: The relationship between scale and weathering

At some point I got curious about how it is like to build one of the 1/16th scale AFV monsters. Trumpeter's T-34 that comes with interior detailing satisfied my curiosity. It is a solid and easy AFB build thanks to the large size of parts. [...]