72 articles · 6.8K karma · 36 friends · active 7 hours, 50 minutes ago

I am born and raised- a BERMUDIAN.
I am a professional artist and an art teacher. I am married and have two miniature dachshunds.
My main areas of interest are USN/USMC aircarft through the ages, but I love all flying things! I hope to start doing some artwork of aircraft, but for now my market is more focused on images of Bermuda.

1/200 Hasegawa C-130 Blue Angels

So, many many years after I built a 1/200 C-130 for my wife's yearly Christmas ornament, I finally got around to using the alternate decals in that kit to make a white C-130 the Blues flew! One odd thing about that airframe is that the two [...]

1/48 f-18d atars; bosnia

When I first saw a picture of this airframe in a magazine (shown in the pictures provided), I wanted to build it. Black Box released an ATARS conversion shortly after and I snapped it up. As we all experience, the kit and conversion [...]

1/32 Hasegawa Bf109 G-6

I wanted to build this particular G-6 when I came across the markings in an internet search. This aircraft was flown by Anton Hackl. The fuselage chevron provided in the decals was not quite the right size and did not have the right [...]

1/144 Christmas Ornament 2019

Every year I build a 1/144 ornament for my wife. Its one way that she can be involved in the hobby, and she allows one of my interests to be part of our tree each year. I built a Dragon 1/144 CF-188A kit and used a set of 1/144 Arrow [...]

1/48 USMC VMAT-102 TA-4F conversion

Hi all, this is a companion build to the TA-4J I posted earlier. I started it with a Hobbycraft A-4C. When the Hobbycraft kits first came out, I bought a B, an E, and two C kits sight unseen (no reviews/photos beforehand). I was a bit [...]

1/48 Classic Airframes TA-4J USN Adversary

This TA-4J kit was sitting for quite a while, and I finally finished it off at the end of this summer. Airbrushed gray but hand brushed tan and green- with brushed touchups on the gray area. I used Afterburner decals although the same [...]

1/48 Hobbycraft Mig17 (War Eagle)

Yet another kit that had languished on the shelf of doom- a hangar queen that was on pause for too long. I had always wanted to build a Mig17 in VPAF markings- and back in the day of collecting kits I saw this one as an opportunity. It was [...]

1/72 Supermodel Bv138C-1

This kit was finally finished about a month ago. It was started about 20 years ago. I had scribed panel lines in using the rather prominent raised panel lines of the kit as a guide. the kit then sat for about 20 years until the end of this [...]

1/48 Minicraft P-38L Putt Putt Maru

I had the Minicraft 1/48 P-38J kit- but it sat for a while because I was not sure how I would deal with all the stripes on the tail and spinners. The decals from the kit sheet and the Hasegawa kit sheet for the coloured stripes were not [...]

1/48 Minicraft F4U-4B VMF-323 Korea

This F4U-4B has all the same modifications as my other F4U-4B here on Imodeler, except that the wings are not folded, and I have used a flap set from the Verlinden F4U-4 detail set for the Hasegawa kit. The weapons are 1000 lb bombs from [...]