72 articles · 6.8K karma · 36 friends · active 7 hours, 50 minutes ago

I am born and raised- a BERMUDIAN.
I am a professional artist and an art teacher. I am married and have two miniature dachshunds.
My main areas of interest are USN/USMC aircarft through the ages, but I love all flying things! I hope to start doing some artwork of aircraft, but for now my market is more focused on images of Bermuda.

1/48 ESCI A-4Q conversion

I bought up a lot of 1/48 ESCI A-4's years ago, and was not aware of the issues with the kit. The canopy is closer to the real A-4 than the Monogram canopy, but the exhaust area of the kit, is more of an ogival cross section than the [...]

1/48 Monogram A-4H Indonesia TNI-AU

My third A-4, and last for a little while, is the Monogram A-4E kit with improvements to the kit, and modifications to build it as an ex-Israeli A-4H in service of the Indonesian Air Force- TNI-AU. The first issue to deal with on the [...]

1/48 Classic Airframes IAF TA-4H

Here is my second IAF Skyhawk- a TA-4H. The Classic Airframes kit is quite good- with a few issues. The best part of them is the lack of "step" on the leading edge of the wing, for the slat. on the real plane there is no step [...]

1/48 Hasegawa IAF A-4N

I love the Skyhawk- single seat, two seat, various operators, etc. I initially made the mistake of thinking that you could take the A-4M kit and with decals make it an A-4N. I learned pretty quickly, that not all A-4N airframes had ARBS in [...]

Academy /48 Mig 21SM

As I am not a Mig 21 expert, I will not say that all of what I did on this build, was absolutely correct. I based the markings on a profile (eek) of Mig 21s in Afghanistan in the 80's. I found a KMC Mig21 MF resin cockpit during one of my [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 F9F-8 Cougar

Hi all, Years ago, I carefully sought out 1/72 kits of all the Blue Angels Display aircraft, which led to also looking for 1/72 transport aircraft, then I went on to 1/48...you get the idea. Well, in my focus of getting the 1/72 kits, I [...]

1/144 LS P-3 Orion

In Bermuda in the 80's I was in high school and grew up with P-3 Orions flying overhead. The Atlantic Soviet sub threat had to be monitored, so squadrons rotated through Bermuda regularly. Interesting how there isn't an NAS Bermuda any [...]

1/144 R5D-3 Blue Angels

Here is the Minicraft 1/144 C-54 kit released as the Blue Angels R5D-3. I think this livery is one of the most attractive schemes for Blue Angels logistical aircraft carried. I think it perfectly suits the lines of the aircraft. it also [...]

1/144 C-121 Blue Angels

Another of the Blue Angels Logistics aircraft. When you read the history, it is incredible that The Blue Angels used this aircraft, as it would need a large forklift at every location to load or unload from the very high fuselage! The [...]

1/144 TC-130G Blue Angels

I built the Minicraft 1/144 C-130 kit as the TC-130G flown by the Blue Angels. This is the only kit that has these markings in the box, and no one produces aftermarket decals for the TC-130G. You can quickly tell the TC-130G by the [...]