72 articles · 6.8K karma · 36 friends · active 7 hours, 50 minutes ago

I am born and raised- a BERMUDIAN.
I am a professional artist and an art teacher. I am married and have two miniature dachshunds.
My main areas of interest are USN/USMC aircarft through the ages, but I love all flying things! I hope to start doing some artwork of aircraft, but for now my market is more focused on images of Bermuda.

1/48 Minicraft F4U-4B VMF-214 Korea

I built one of my Minicraft 1/48 F4U-4B kits with Tamiya 1/48 F4U wing fold hinge parts. I made resin copies of Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1 oil cooler inlets, then cut out 3 of the vanes to modify them to match F4U-4 inlets. They have a much better [...]

1/48 AD-4NA Skyraider

A few years ago, I decided to try and fold the wings on one of my 1/48 Monogram AD-6 skyraiders. the parts seemed to be there, but it was not mentioned in the instructions. One problem with cutting the wings is that it is impossible to [...]

My Christmas tradition.

Hi All, I know Christmas is actually over, but I wanted to share the 1/144 ornament I made for my wife this year. Dragon's 1/144 EA-6A with spare decals. I didn't want to do the squadron featured in the kit, and I have been working on a [...]

French Hellcat- 1/48 Hasegawa F6F-5

I have always wanted to build a French Hellcat, and years ago when i was able to get hold of some Model Art decals I set aside a Hasegawa 1/48 F6F-5 for this build. After some research, I noticed that the drop tank on French Hellcats and [...]

1/48 Airfix Sepecat Jaguar Operation Granby

Years ago, I got an Airfix Sepecat Jaguar and loaded up on all the Paragon resin parts for it. Then I entered a phase of major downsizing and decided to sell it off. Last year i decided to get one again, because the Revell AG boxing was [...]

1/48 BF110G-2 Revell Monogram.

I had this kit in my stash for some time. I bought a Cutting Edge engine correction set for it, and didn't think about building it until I saw the release of the Eduard BF110G-2 kit. The boxing I bought was the Wespen release, which comes [...]

1/48 Monogram OA-4M

Here is my Monogram 1/48 OA-4M. The kit has been around for years- I thought it odd that they released an OA-4M before a TA-4F or J, but maybe the weapons for a FAC role was what they thought would sell the kit? One curiosity of the [...]

Monogram 1/48 P-39 as a Portuguese P-39D 1943

I have always had an interest in Portuguese aircraft, as my parents are both from the Acores. This diorama was built as a curiosity for my dad, as he had always seen me building kits from my early teens up until I left the house when I got [...]

1/48 Eduard F6F-3 weekend edition

I have wanted to build an F6F-3 with red surrounds on the insignia since I first saw the initial Hasegawa F6F-3 boxing. I like to research my subjects, which can be very interesting and a little deflating at the same time. Apparently it is [...]

1/48 F-18B conversion of Monogram F/A-18

I completed this over Christmas break 2016, but have not been able to photograph it until now. I used the leftover two seat canopy found in the Italeri 1/48 F-18 to convert a Monogram 1/48 F-18 into a two seater. It is sad that Monogram [...]