283 articles · 16.6K karma · 13 friends · active 21 hours, 39 minutes ago

Check your Six...1/48 Messerschmitt Me262A-1a, KG(J)6

Built in 2018, Hobby Boss kit with EagleCals, Gunze and Tamiya acrylics used, EZ Line for all the wires. This aircraft was found by allied troops in May 1945. It was used by Wilhelm Niederkrüger for two recorded training flights. Not [...]

Defending the Reich...1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8/R8, 6./JG300

Hasegawa kit built over 6 years ago, the add-on armour is believed to be from a Tamiya kit, seatbelts, brake lines and antenna wires added, painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics. This aircraft was a former nightfighter with [...]

End of War…1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190F-8, III./SG3

Built over 6 years ago. Dragon kit painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics, decals from Kagero, EZ Line for the antenna wire, bomb cart from Tamiya. This aircraft was an FW 190 F-8 from III./SG3, a ground-attack unit that served alongside [...]

Wild Boar...1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8/R11, 1./NJGr.10

Built over 6 years ago. Eduard kit built oob (Nightfighter Dual Combo), some minor detail added, Gunze and Tamiya paints used. For the fuselage gun flamedampers some plastic rods used instead of the kit´s PE parts. Model shows the [...]

Airwar over Austria...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, 1./JG300

This is the "faulty" first edition Eduard kit, built in 2015. Lifelike decals were used. On August 24th 1944, Unteroffizier Hermann Berdelmann, serving with 1. Staffel JG300, took off to engage a bunch of 15th AF Liberators, [...]

Learning to fly fast...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-14, KG(J)54(27)/KG(J)6

When German bomber pilots converted to the 262, they started to train on old trainers and biplanes, then usually moved on to 109s before they got to fly the Schwalbe. Partly these 109s were also used for combat with the KG(J)s. Sadly there [...]

Heavy Duty...1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190F-8, KG200

Built in 2014. Hasegawa kit oob, Gunze and Tamiya acrylics The KG200, also known as Ghost-Wing, was used for special missions. Besides testing and using captured aircraft, they also did special transports like dropping spies behind enemy [...]

Tank´s last breed...1/48 Focke-Wulf Ta152C V6

Built over 6 years ago. Whereas the "H" model was designed as a high-altitude fighter with elongated wings and a Jumo engine, the "C" model was intended as a normal fighter and fighterbomber with the standard 190 wings [...]

Tank´s last breed...Focke-Wulf Ta152H-0, 11./JG301

Built over 6 years ago. Dragon kit, built oob, even used the microskopic PE Parts for the tiny external canopy locking lugs. Gunze Acrylics for camo, Gunze and Tamiya clear flat for finish, EZ Line for antenna wire. Decals partly used [...]

Aeronautique Navale...1/48 Lockheed PV-1 Ventura, French Navy

And my dad´s next model is finished. Wanted to avoid one of the usual blue schemes so we chose a French one in an atlantic scheme. Revell USA kit with Berna decals. Painted with Tamiya XF-2 White and Gunze H317 FS36231. Build thread [...]