One of my dad´s rare excursions to WW1.
Eduard kit, silver dope painted with Tamiya Aluminium, metal engine covers with Tamiya Titanium Silver, EZ line (the thicker one) for rigging.
Build thread here
Aircraft flown by Donat A. [...]
Built 6-10 years ago. Hasegawa kit, decals from Lift Here!, Humbrol enamel paints for upper camo, selfmixed acrylic paint for underside, don´t know which ones anymore. Brake lines and Eduard seatbelts added.
Info about the original
All good things come in three, after the Bf109K-4 and Fw190A-5/U7, this is my dad´s third and last red tulip so far. Built in 2018.
Eduard kit Bf109G-6 early version. Regarding the decals, funny thing is that the kit´s tulip decals are [...]
Finished in 2018. Hasegawa kit, painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics, EZ Line for antenna, Ultracast wheels.
After starting to apply the kit decals and the tulip leaves, my dad and I realized, that Hasegawa got them wrong. There are not [...]
Built in 2017. Hasegawa kit, Eagle Cals which were brittle as usual and some repainting was neccessary, EZ Line for aerials, plastic rods and lead wire for brake lines, Gunze and Tamiya acrylics.
There are several slightly different [...]
Built a couple of years ago. Used a Tamiya F-8 kit as base. Previously this aircraft was wrongly designated as A-7 but due to some exterior features seen on the pics of the original a/c and the assumed Werknummer, it´s an A-8. Also the [...]
Built in 2015. Eduard kit with decals from Kagero miniTopcolors #30 (Luftwaffe´s Baptism of Fire)
Painted with acrylics, Gunze H70 mixed with Tamiya XF-19 for RLM63, black trim is painted too.
Model shows the a/c of Hauptmann Siebelt [...]
Built in 2018. The excellent Zvezda kit, Eduard seatbelts added, EZ Line for the antenna wires. For the AMT-1, -4, -7 and -12 camo my dad used the new AK Interactive Real Color Air paints.
12th Guards Divebomber Regiment in 1944
One of my dad´s older still existing models. Built 5-10 years ago. Tamiya kit, replaced the kit´s too small in diameter wheels with some from the sparesbox, seatbelts and detail to the landing gear added, fishing line for the antenna [...]