133 articles · 5.8K karma · 10 friends · active 2 days, 22 hours ago

While I mostly model WW II aircraft, I will make any model that strikes my fancy.

A Lightning Build

The eighth model I've finished this year, this is the old Hasegawa Lightning F Mk. 6 in 1/72 scale. The kit parts fit together quite well but, detail is lacking by today's standards. The intake has almost no depth, the cockpit not much [...]

Tamiya 1/72 FW 190

I very much enjoy building Tamiya kits. Their ease of construction allows me to get to the part of modeling I enjoy most: painting and weathering. In this case I share my build of Tamiya’s 1/72 Focke Wulf Fw-190 A3. The kit went [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Sherman Firefly Ic

This is my seventh completed model this year. I painted it with Vallejo acrylics and weathered it with a mix of Vallejo colors, enamels, oils and powders. The kit was a very fun build. Construction only took me two evenings allowing me [...]