17 articles · 1.6K karma · 12 friends · active 5 years, 1 month ago

53years old and back into modeling after 30 years away. I needed something to do to keep me occupied due to disability,Chronic Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ulcerative Colitis, Fibromyalgia, I build and hand brush paint WWII figures, and AFVs, and Airplanes, classic cars of 50s,60s, and 70s. I have also built a few Star Wars models as well.

Shermans of the Battle of Ardennes

Tamiya makes some wonderful 1/35 Shermans. There are a number of kits that are from Ardennes. I appreciate them making these all from the same battle so that they could be made into a diorama if one chooses to do one. The Tamiya kits [...]

Hanomag Skdfz 251/1

Hanomag Skdfz 251/1 halftrack. I did this one because I loved the first one I built and wanted to do another color. This is the later Dunkelgelb (Dark Yellow). This vehicle was on the Russian Front 1943.

Republic Thunderbolt Razorback

I have been behind in my postings. Hopefully I can catch up and post more about my builds. I have been doing more Armor than planes these days. Here is a P-47 Thunderbolt. Tamiya 1/48 kit. As always painted by hand with Model Master [...]

Tiger 1 Mid Production

After doing the Hanomag 251 in Panzer Gray, it was time to do some Armor in the tritone camouflage. This is my Tamiya Tiger Mid Production Tank 131 of SPZABT 101 in Summer Normandy France 1944. I used Model Master Enamel Paint, and [...]

My first Armor model

I have only built planes up to this point in my modeling hobby. I love the WWII stuff so I decided to venture into Armor. I did lots of reading and research online and decided to build and paint Tamiya's 1/35 SDKFZ 251 Hanomag. It came [...]

BF 109 and sponge mottling

This BF 109 Emil is one of the first planes I have done since returning to the hobby after 30 years. I do still paint by hand using a brush, which provides a few challenges. The mottling camo on the sides of this Emil was produced by [...]

BF 109 E-3 Tamiya 1/48 scale

This is a BF 109 E-3. German 109s are a bit of an obsession with me. I love them all. I built and brush painted this one by hand using Model Master enamels. I did not follow the recommended call outs for the camo. I used RLM 70/71 [...]