30 articles · 1.7K karma · 4 friends · active 1 day, 1 hour ago

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Wie ein Skyrocket, oh!

Based on my sufferi- I mean, observations, the following is my best guestimate on how to create an 'accurate' initial-form XF5F-1. First, let me clarify: this is a wonderful kit. Out of the box, the Minicraft Skyrocket is great. It is my [...]

A Shot In the Dark: the too-little-too-late Latin Archer.

This is the Special Hobby 1/48 Reggiane Re.2005 ‘Sagittario’. A decent enough kit but not without its issues. It was troubled by an ill-fitting cockpit tub and wheel wells, the latter needing ridiculous amounts of plastic shaved off [...]

One Four One, and All Thanks to Hobby Boss

How long is it appropriate to "finish" a gift after you receive it? 2014 to 2022? (Sorry pops) At least I managed to actually get it done. This is the Hobby Boss 1/48 Blohm und Voss BV-141 "tactical reconnaissance" [...]

The Paw Sunday Massacre

On the fifth of April, the Empire of Nyappon launched it's surprise multi-pronged assaults throughout the Eastern Archipelagoes, simultaneously striking key targets in order to neuter opposition from its island neighbors as quickly as [...]

The 'easiest' model?

A good question, but a subjective one. One could say it is a pre-prepared die cast, where one would simply screw two halves of some already finished sub-pieces together. The next stage might be a snap-tight model, where the pieces just [...]

Be I the One? The Soviet attempt at fighter rocketry.

Many nations in the 30s and 40s courted the idea of a rocket-powered fighter or interceptor. The Bereznyak-Isayev BI program was the Soviet Union's attempt at a "short range fighter" powered by a rocket engine. Like it's [...]

Odds and Ends: Various Subjects of a Scattered Mind

In a previous article, I mentioned to save space, cost, time, and sanity, I narrowed my collective focus to "Aviation, 1/48 scale, up to September 1945." Before that cut off decision was made, I dabbled in a lot of various [...]

For-Lorn, a Solemn Survivor.

A few years back I took catalog of my model collection. I had a lot of models. This did not surprise me. I did a rough estimation of how long it takes me to finish one model, and multiplied by how many non-completed models (started and [...]

Of Memory Lane and Angry Clients.

These photos are models I no longer own, or for what I know, no longer exist. Sorting through old family files resurfaced these ghosts to me, reflecting on my younger years and my decision to do commission model work. Around my high school [...]

Welchome to my P-40B Show n' Tell.

The names Welch, Taylor, Brown, Rasmussen and Sanders are names commonly known as "the five that got up" on 7 December. What can be lesser known is the details of their aircraft. P-40B "160" is generally regarded as the [...]