39 articles · 6.3K karma · 13 friends · active 1 year ago

Just an other model builder. I have also retired as a shift trouble shooter (industrial electromech) for Michelin Tire, after 35 years. Now singing in a local rock band and providing some technical support.

Count the maple leafs contest

Sixteen builds that I didn't do articles on for one reason or another. If you're real good, guess the scales.



1/72 Airfix Hannover CL.111a

This is an old build that I did some time ago, fixed up a bit, and re-photographed. I added some tin around the radiator, some rib tape, and the batons. This was my first major rigging project, and I hadn't quite figured out how to nestle [...]

1/72 Revell EC145 Rega

Look what just landed in the back yard ! (snicker snicker) I like building helicopters. I made new parts for both sets of rotor blades from brass rod, tubing and E string. This allowed free spinning for the photos and to prevent breakage [...]

1/24 Revell Monogram Williams Renault ( Jacques Villenevue)

Jacques Villeneuve's Williams Renault, and my first F1 build. This was a limited run (75,000 with box # 15,000) kit. Lots of decals. I built this kit a few years ago, but didn't photograph it. Today seemed like a good time, with the nice [...]

1/72 Italeri B 26 K Counter Invader.

Finally got this one finished. It's fitted out with some Hasegawa gun pods, otherwise it's OOB. Some fit problems with this build, mostly with the clear parts. The model is lightly weathered.

1/72 Hasegawa He51b-2

As I mentioned previously, I've been taking new photos of some older models. This one looks O. K. ,so I'll throw it in with some of the other astounding bi-plane builds that have been presented lately.

1/144 Revell A 340 & CL 604 Challanger.

I've been intending to re-photo some of my older models with a better camera & set up. These two models were built over ten years ago. They've stood the test of time and look good set up on some fairly clean hard top.

WIP Tiger Moth rigging tensioning

Here's a couple more WIP photos on "Ye Old Rigging Method". The model is set up on a foam board supported with tooth pics. A masking tape skin helps keep the tooth pics from drifting. The pre-colored fishing line is passed thru [...]

AIRFIX 1/72 DH 82.a Tiger Moth

My latest effort. I put in as much extra detail as the model could handle,(not mention me) and the results aren't too bad. It's actually a replica of a flying school aircraft. All of the extras are my stuff. This was a hard little kit to [...]