6 articles · 0.7K karma · 1 friends · active 11 months, 1 week ago

I love to build scale models since I was a kid. Now I´m 53 and I still feeling like a kid doing this hobby.

Trumpeter F6F-5N Hellcat Night Fighter 1/32

Hellcat, everybody loves it, everybody has one so... I got me one. I saw many examples of this extraordinary fighter plane and many with the fuselage open to see the interior and I was encouraged to do it this way. I decided to work on the [...]

Trumpeter Vought F4U-1D Corsair 1/32

Hello everyone. I'm back after a while for this new model. Again it is a Corsair but with markings and paint used by the British in the Pacific theater. The original kit is from Trumpeter which comes with good details and gave almost no [...]

Hasegawa P-38J Lightning, ´Virginia Marie´, 1/48

I bought this one because I like how it look the metal color with that blue. Really different from others Lightnings. This one is from Hasegawa and it doesn´t has many details, and parts doesn´t fit really good so... I had to do a lot of [...]

Tamiya P-47D Thunderbolt, 1/48

This model from Tamiya is great. Has a lot of parts and decals to build two versions. I bought an Eduard PE to give more detail to the cockpit, landing gear, fuel tank and motor. The paint took me some time. I had to put a black primer and [...]

Tamiya Sturmtiger 38cm Assault Mortar 1/35

Hi, this is a great model from Tamiya. I tried to make it look old and used. I also attached a PE parts in the back and added an engine from tamiya also. Hope you like it. Have a great one everyone

Tamiya Vought F4U-1D Corsair 1/48

This is a great kit. Took me some months to finish it. I spend sometime trying to make it look old and used. Chipping was hard to do it. Sand color, white and black Chalk helped me to make it look dirty and also to cover some little [...]