204 articles · 13.7K karma · 36 friends · active 7 hours, 52 minutes ago

Retired US Navy Senior Chief working as a production supervisor in Seattle.

Progress on The USS Wilkes DD 441

Continuing on my conversion of the Dragon 1/350th Livermore kit into the USS Wilkes as she probably (note I said probably!) looked during Operation Husky the invasion of Sicily. Modifications mostly consist of re working the rear gun tubs [...]

Inspiration for the next build

I had originally decided to build my Academy Phantom as a 1972 Sundowners bird, but then I ran across this picture. VF 84 USS Independence, 1965. It was Indy and 84s only Vietnam war cruise. Markings for the period were in a flux starting [...]

Look what the UPS man brought!

Finally broke down and got the new Academy F-4B, I had been waiting for a state of the art Phantom for years, and this looks to be it. I know this bird has been reviewed to death, but one thing I never saw in the reviews I read, and [...]

Just to prove I do build.....

My man cave was too clean so here it is with the Dragon 1/350th Livermore kit in progress. I plan on building it as the USS Wilkes performing convoy and ASW work in the Atlantic. Also the first shelf set up with models on it, and my [...]

Ready to start building again!

Well after a move up the coast, trauma from incompetent movers, lots of work the smaller West Seattle man cave (Man cubby?) is ready to build in. Flipped a coin between the USS Livermore and the great 109 kit I won here last month, and as [...]


My kit from the February drawing arrived today and it is great. Believe it or not I can't remember the last time I built a 109, maybe as a kid? What a great week, finished my probationary period in my post-Navy job and got my white hard [...]

The case for good packing

As some of you may know from here or over on Hyperscale I recently retired after 26 years in the Navy, serving primarily in the E-2 C-2 community, with time in S-3s and a dabbling in H-60s (the might MH-60S Sierras rule baby!). My movers [...]

First and Last Dora

Found my pictures of my first Dora, Eduard weekend edition again, used EagleCals sheet and painting instructions for JG 301, but with stencil painted 11. So last Dora of my set, I found them in the box I packed them in for the move and [...]

Another Dora

The second Eduard 1/48 I built, I can't seem to locate the pictures from my first build. A few errors here and there, but I really love these kits fiddly, but fun and the weekend ones are a great value. I chose "Brown 17" since [...]

Since I can't build for awhile while getting unpacked a Ventura.....

VPB 150 built from the newish 1/48 Revell kit. I really enjoyed the build EXCEPT for the bomb bay doors! Other than that though great fit, a few mistakes on my part here and there. I bought aftermarket props and engines (can't remember [...]