28 articles · 2.7K karma · 20 friends · active 7 months ago

I'm Italian, born in 1964, Aeronautic Technician, all my carrer was focused on operational activity with Target Drone for Missilises Firing Exercise. Mainly I build planes, non favourite subject or age, few dioramas, tank and ship.

RAF No 41 Squadron Tornado, Revell 1/72

This is another build, OOB, made for the same collector order to me the RAF 41 Squadron Typhoon. It’s a Tornado Gr4. Starting kit Revell GR 1 1/72. Few modification has been scratch build to convert Gr.1 in Gr.4.: mainly second gondola [...]

RAF No 41 Squadron Typhoon. Hasegawa 1/72

Hallo everybody, After almost two year I’m back on Imodeler. Unfortunately I’ did not produce too much in this period. I would like to share with you this Typhoon. Starting kit Hasegawa, scale 1/72. Build OOB for a collector. Not [...]

A year in Review: 2017

3 project ended this year, a long lasting one: the IA-58 Pucarà Acongaua kit in 1/48 started and stopped for almost 3 years, an F4U Corsair in 1/72, for a friend and a collector that, unfortunately passed away shortly after I deliver [...]

Fifty shades of gray.

Since in the last 3 weeks, for several reason, i did not progress much with the projects I work on , I post an article about a Revell Tornado IDS, 1/48, I build a couple of years ago, for a collegue of mine, working on the real Tornado [...]

Italian Navy U-212, with experimental camo, Revell 1/144

First of all I would like to clarify that the camo of the U-Boot, has been copied from a model appear on an Italian Modelling Magazine some years ago. A collector request to me this job. After desperate search on internet, I did not find [...]

Pucarà 1/48 Acongaua with recce drone Mirach 100/2. Cordoba, Argentina 1988. Part 2.

Finally I found a little time to write part 2 of the article about my 1/48 Pucarà, which was ended just in time for Moson Model Show in April 2017, after 3 years of start and stop. Here is the link to part one, in case somebody would [...]

Review: Gaspatch 1/48 Henschel Hs 123 A1Kit Review

Gaspatch, a new brand, has previously released just one complete aircraft kit, when in 2017 they produced two versions of the HS-123, first the B1 version and shortly after the A1. The subject was previously covered by the old ESCI kit, [...]

UH-60A 82 Airborne divisionDesert Storm-Hasegawa 1/72

Since the whole wip has been published here: (link) , I will not add much word. Is is a work made on hurry for a friend, who chose subject. I'm not very happy of it, not a bad build, but to my opinion is missing "THE STORY" I [...]

Brindiamo all’ affondamento ( let’s celebrate the sinking)

This Is an old diorama in scale 1/72, I presented to the last Moson contest. Since I read some positive comments to the picture published in the Moson Report, i though would have been a good idea to give some information about its [...]

1/72 Tamiya F4U-1A Ira Kepford

Just finished! Very quick build for a collector friend of mine. Short Wip here: (link) Thanks for watching