937 articles · 91.3K karma · 184 friends · active 1 day, 1 hour ago

According to my mother, the first word I said was "airplane" ("oh-pane") at around 11 months of age when a P-38 flew over the park we were in. I've had a love affair with airplanes and the people who are involved with airplanes ever since, which has become my career as an aviation historian and author.

I built my first model, a Strombecker all-wood P-80 (that dates me!) at age 6, after watching my father build other wood models for me. I quickly graduated to plastic models when I found Mr. Twist's Fix-It Shop on South Gaylord Street in Denver, with its corner shelves full of wondrous kit boxes. I built my first biplane (a Hawk Models Nieuport 17 - still available from Testors) before I was old enough to know that "biplanes are hard." With time out in the 1960s after graduating from high school for the Navy and college and "The Sixties" I returned to the hobby in 1970 and haven't left since.

I became a screenwriter in Hollywood in the 1980s, after first getting published as an aviation author in the 1970s in Air Enthusiast Quarterly. I love the fact that William Green, who wrote the first "serious aviation book" (All The World's Aircraft 1954) that I got my father to buy for me was the first person to publish me. I've flown the back seat of an F-4E Phantom for an article on the Wild Weasels in Air Force Magazine, and had 20 minutes stick time in Jim Nissen's 1918 Curtiss JN-4D Jenny back in 1979 for an article in Plane and Pilot, and been in everything in between over the past 47 years. When I worked in politics in Sacramento during the 1970s, I was a member of a club that flew Stearman N747JR (we called ourselves in as "Boeing 747 Junior") and got around 100 hours in that fun machine.

I'm one of the original members here of iModeler, and consider it the best model club on the planet.

Author of "Fabled Fifteen: The Pacific War Odyssey of Carrier Air Group 15", "Pacific Thunder: the Pacific War from Wake island to Leyte Gulf," "Tidal Wave: From Leyte Gulf to Tokyo Bay," "The Frozen Chosen: The First Marine Division and the Battle of Chosin Reservoir," "Holding The Line: the Naval Air Campaign in Korea," and "MiG Alley: The US Air Force in Korea - 1950-53" which will be released on November 26.

My most recent book, "Clean Sweep: VIII Fighter Command Against the Luftwaffe 1942-45" will be published by Osprey on May 23.

My wife of 27 years finally escaped Parkinson's on February 20 and sailed west to the unknown land beyond the sunset where she once again paints seascapes with her friends, her cats.

You can order all of them here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Thomas+McKelvey+Cleaver&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

Oops! I did it againyet another Eduard P-51D

Poking through model boxes can lead to, ummm... making a model. Surprising, I know, but yeah... From the Eduard Royal Class P-51 release, an airplane flown by a lesser-known ace who had a good way with words when it came time to write his [...]

Review: Just arrived on my porchBronco 1/48 MiG-15

The Bronco 1/48 MiG-15 (Fagot-A) has just arrived here today. As I had surmised from sprue shots, it is the Trumpeter MiG-15bis kit without the engine and without the fuselage divided fore and aft, with the correct modification made to the [...]

One for Chuck

Eduard P-51D with Barracuda Studios decals to do my childhood hero's airplane. There's a WIP thread in the WIP Group. There will be a review at Modeling Madness Thusday, republished here with more photos than there.

Forgotten War Group BuildSpecial Hobby 1/48 Fairey Firefly F.R.1, HMS Triumph, 1950

You can see the WIP for this model at the Forgotten War Group Build. History: The Fleet Air Arm was the only carrier air arm to carry on with the development and operation of the two-seat carrier fighter past the early 1930s. Both the [...]

Chuck Yeager died today

Just saw the news that Chuck Yeager died today at age 97. Given how deep he was in Alzheimers over the past several years, my personal take is it was a release. He was my childhood hero, and then the first movie job I had (junior assistant [...]

Forgotten War Group Build – night-fighting F4U-5N Corsairs

The F4U-5 was the ultimate Navy development of the Corsair series as a fleet defense fighter. The first prototype took to the skies December 21, 1945. It differed from previous Corsairs by having an even longer nose, a raised cockpit, and [...]

Airfix/Aeroclub 1/48 Seafire 45

With the publication today of the article about kitbashing a Spitfire 21, a friend reminded me of another conversion I did - going on 18 years ago this coming February. A Seafire 45. History: Throughout the development of the [...]

RIP Dave Schemel

Sad to learn that Dave Schemel passed on December 1, from complications of Covid-19. I'd lost track of him, then we re-established contact last year, but I hadn't heard anything from him since last summer. Great guy, great modeler, a [...]

Airfix/Academy Spitfire 21 “Frankenspit”

Waste not, want not. Done last year. After the brilliant Airfix Spitfire XIV came out, I had no further use for the screwed-up Academy kit. Annd I had enough parts left over from some Airfix Spitfire 22/24 projects that I had a fuselage [...]

Sneak peek: Hobby Boss 1/48 Me-262A-1a/U3

Thanks to @michaelt for the inspiration with the three Me-262s he's doing at the WIP group. I didn't know Hobby Boss made this kit till I saw his. The Me-262A-1a/U3 photo-recon aircraft was relatively rare, though one still exists - the [...]