27 articles · 1.5K karma · 31 friends · active 5 years, 2 months ago

I've been an avid modeler since I was 9 years old. My Father was in the US Air Force so I have always been addicted to aircraft. My first kit was a Hasegawa 1/72 T-38A. I remember getting glue everywhere and not painting it. My skills have improved over the years but to me not to contest level. I dropped out of modeling for about a year after I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. But I couldnt stay out long. Now I'm back in and love it. Starting to build up a nice collection of Jets right now, but will also do WWII and newer prop jobs. I mainly build 1/48 scale but will go 1/72 for larger aircraft...My holy grail airplane would be the old Aurora 1/108 scale C-141A Starlifter. My dad built me one of those when I was a kid and wish I still had it.

Going to challenge my modeling skills....and try a diorama of this picture......

Its been a long time since I've been on this site...had alot going on and have not been doing any building...fixing to start a new project though..I'm use to just building out of the box or using a few resin bits and aftermarket decals. [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F-16C Polish Air Force

Hasegawa 1/48 F-16C straight out of the box except using TwoBob's Polish Air Force decals. I am currently working on a Polish Air Force jet collection and since they are now a part of NATO and are flying F-16's I had to add that to the [...]

1/48 Revell (Monogram) Case X Wing F-102

This kit was a bear to get together...must have been slightly older kit because there was quite a bit of flash and some parts warped. It didnt want to fit to well either. I have always wanted to build an F-102 from the 4780th ADW at [...]

Tamiya 1/48 P-51D Mustang “Katydid”

Tamiya P-51D straight from the box except the Aeromaster Decals. This one depicts "Katydid",Piloted by Lt. Col. Elwyn Righetti, 338thFS and CO of 55th FG. Col Righetti was shot down and survived the crash but was killed by [...]

Academy 1/48 Mig-21MF Polish Air Force

I am trying to build several from Polish Air Force and this is the first...Academy Mig-21. Built straight from the box except old ESCI decals. This kit goes together real well, might have a few fit problems bot not many. I forgot though [...]

Revell 1/48 F/A-18F VFA-103 Jolly Rogers…

Well I finally finished my first build of 2013...It took a while but got'er done. Pretty much built straight from the box except I used SuperScale decals. This one will be a great addition to my Jolly Rogers collection...of course its the [...]

The Itallian Job….Macchi C.202 Folgore 1/48 scale

This is the only Italian aircraft I have right now... This is the Hasegawa Macchi Mc.202 Folgore. This kit was built straight from the box except Superscale Decals. I cant remeber the squadron its from though...I did this one before I [...]

Holy Batcrap Batman!!!!! It's the Batmobile... Round 2's 1966 Batmobile 1/25 scale

I kinda cheated with this one... My wife gave it to me for Christmas 2011. The reason I say I cheated is this is the Round 2 Snap Together kit with pre-painted body. The reason I wanted this one is because it comes with Batman and Robin [...]

Hasegawa Macchi C.205 Veltro Luftwaffe 1/48 scale

Since I'm showing off my Luftwaffe stuff now, here is a cool one..This is the Hasegawa Macchi C.205 Veltro of JG77. This kit was built straight from the box. I was able to acquire the Mike Grant "Smoke Ring" decals to do this [...]

Pro-Modeler Fw190D-11 1/48 scale

This is the Pro-Modeler Fw190D-11 built straight from the box. I was planning on using a real cool Eagle Strike decal set on this one but its for a D-9 not the D-11 so I used the kit decals. I chickened out on the red bottom scheme so I [...]