This was the project that came out of nowhere. I’ve never intended to do something like this, it wasn’t plane which would took my attention. Fortunately I received an offer from my friend to obtain this Hasegawa’s Hs129B2.
This is [...]
Another Corsair for the collection, this Special Hobby kit was bought around 2 years ago and when I opened the box I immediately realised I wasn't ready for this sort of built and left it in the pile.
This is Special Hobby's rendition of [...]
Eduard's excellent 1/48 Mig 21 and the almost endless color schemes of operational aircraft was a big incentive for me to keep building this model. The Egyptian Air Force had also a variety of schemes. I avoided the pink scheme because the [...]
Well, another spurt today. Body painted (tried preshading), wheels and tires painted and added. Just need to repair the parts I ham fistedly knocked off doing the turret!
Next I'm going to try and get some figures for her...
The Handley Page Halifax was a four-engine heavy bomber, developed under the same specification as the contemporary twin-engine Avro Manchester. Its origins can be traced in the twin-engine HP56 proposal of the late 1930s, itself being a [...]
This is my contribution to the Jerry Grandall Tribute Group Build organized by Tom Cleaver on iModeler. Thanks Tom for the invitation and for starting this Group Build as a way to honor some of Jerry's great decals. I used EagleCals sheet [...]
Since people are posting Spitfires, here are some of mine (all are 1/48th):
MD-Tis an Airfix new mold Vb as "Buckeye Don"
NK-K is an Airfix Mk.IIa (from the Mk.I kit, Mk.II parts are in the box)
AN-A is an Eduard MK.VIII
And T-B [...]
Well, at long last I've been able to do a small amount of modelling.
This is the turret from my Meng Leopard C2 Mexas. It's got the thermal clad turret, which is a replacement one. I can't remember which manufacturer, but I do know it [...]
One of the best things of coming back to this great hobby during the pandemic was coming across this website. I enjoy reading the articles and looking at all the images of these great builds. I really appreciate the positive and supportive [...]