1/32 scale modeling
1474 articles
Happy 2024 to all and much productive bench time.
As Always...KEEP IT FUN!
2023 Output.
Model Shipway's 18th Century Long Boat
EDUARD 1/48 F-6D/K No.82103
Tamiya 1/48U.S. M20 [...]
1/32 Tamiya A6M5 Zero
See all my models at: (link)
Nikon D7500; Focus Stacking using Helicon Focus; Editing using LightRoom
Exterior top: AK Interactive RC304 IJN D1 Deep Green Black
Exterior bottom: AK Interactive RC302 IJN J3 [...]
A great kit. Engine wires and plumbing sources are marked to ease construction. However, the busy wheel well is relatively barren. Hence, it is up to the builder to complete the missing plumbing.
My favorite Trumpeter aircraft kit. Not only that Tamiya's 1/48th design was adopted, but also surface detail was enhanced. In addition, flying surfaces are separate and the slats can be extended.
Although not the definitive model representing the Bf-109G-6, Revell's Messerschmitt is a good representation of the aircraft at the 1/32nd scale. The build is not complicated and the end result looks much like the real aircraft.
I used [...]
Revell's big Wurger is a very nice kit. Fit of parts is good and the BMW 801 is included. This combination is rare among Wurger model manufacturers because in most cases cowling panels would not close properly on the engines not to mention [...]
Hi folks,
built for a friend who admires a lot Gabresky.
Just tried to reproduce as much as photos permit the intricate camo...excuse me for any mistakes.
Hope you like it.
All the best,
He219 A-0 UHU Night Fighter. Pilot 2./NJG1, Hptm. E-W Modrow.
Some Zoukei-Mura SWS add-on sets used, and HGWModels seat belts.
Painted with Vallejo/Hataka/AK Acrylics. Weathering done with AK, Mig and Tamiya pigments, washes, filters and [...]