The 1/48 Database at iModeler

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1/48 scale modeling

Jack Satchell

Friend of mine's Grandfather was S/Ldr. W A J Satchell ((link)). He gave me access to the log books for which I am extremely grateful and he has given me permission to share them here. I have built two Hurricanes for him. One - WX-L- [...]

Grunau Baby Glider, 1/48 Special Hobby

Another gift for my dad... harking back to his gliding days in South Australia in the 1950's. He declared this his favourite aeroplane ever, and he even managed to get his "Silver C" in this aircraft: 5 hours aloft. This was back [...]

Fw 190A-5/U8 1/48 Eduard "Jabo"

Finally managed to finish my first ever Fw190... can't quite believe it's taken me so long to build one. Anyway, here she be: possibly not great, as I had a few issues with the paint finish, but I'm generally pretty happy with it. Finished [...]

Rescue from the shelf of Doom: Academy's Mig 21

A long time ago I acquired a two-model deal. The first model (Eduard's Mirage) quickly found its way to the display shelf. I used the Polish swordfish scheme decal of the Mig model on an Eduard model and the model found it way to the shelf [...]

Revell/Monogram 1/48 P-38 J "Stinger"

Kit: Revell/Monogram's 1/48 p-38J Decals: Superscale Lighting Aces #48-1179 Paint: Vallejo Weathering: artist oils, weathering powder, chipping fluid, silver pencil Happy Thanksgiving fellow modelers! After a fun time building one of [...]

F-106 Monogram 1/48

F-102 Delta Dager Revell/Monogram 1/48

Little Red Bus of Amelia

Hello, guys! It was more than two years ago when I posted last time. I restarted modeling this summer, have just finished the latest project. This particular Lockheed Vega (NR-7952) is a historical aircraft with which the famous female [...]

1:48 Scale, Accurate Miniatures TBM-3 "Avenger"

Calling this one DONE! One of my favorite kits to build, (I've built three...). The kit overall suffers from a wee bit of over engineering, (As in you won't see most of what's in the fuselage...). The fit and level of detail is very well [...]

Piaggio-Pegna P.c.7

Hello everyone! This time I share with you a subject that is closer to my heart. It is a strange, but beautiful, as a real italian engineering creation. It was develepoed for one reason, to win the well known Schneider Trophy for Italy in [...]