1/48 scale modeling
The 1/48 Database at iModeler
6521 articles
Great Wall Hobby; 1/48 MiG-29 Fulcrum
I've been waiting for a while to get my hands on decent Fulcrum kit. In last moments I resisted to get cheaper Revell and Academy kits and decided to save money for GWH. I must say, this kit is worth every penny. Perfect fit, not simple, [...]
1/48th Tamiya M4A3E8 SHERMAN "EASY EIGHT"
Another kit built for my son, BUT, I'm keeping it!
Built OOB apart from the logs which i "borrowed" from my neighbours tree to hide a blemish in the paint job (thumb print)
Overall I'm happy with the finish, just wish i could get [...]
Italeri 1/48 SH-60B Seahawk
The Sikorsky Seahawk is a twin turboshaft engine, multi-mission United States Navy helicopter. It emerged during the mid-70s as the selected platform that would carry the latest and bulkiest Mark III Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System [...]
Lockeed T-33A Shooting Star
out of box build. Alclad and MRP paints
Kit decals
Grumman G-21 Goose TARYTA – Czech Model 1/48
Hi! This is my recently finished Grumman Goose from Czech Model in 1/48. As many of this short run kits, has molded and resin parts. Make some deatil work on the interior never to be seen again. Many references and comparison with other [...]
Su-57 Felon
In 1999 Russia initiated the PAK FA (Perspektivnyy Aviatsionnyy Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsii, Prospective Aeronautical Complex of Front-line Air-forces) program for a next generation combat aircraft. The Sukhoi company developed the T-50 [...]
1/48 Martin B-26B Marauder
This is the Revell (Monogram) Martin B-26B Marauder. The decals are from AeroMaster.
Thanks for looking
1/48 HP Halifax BIII – Fonderie Miniature
This build has been on and off (more off than on to be fair) the bench for the last 7 years! It finally crossed the finish line earlier this week and thank Christ for that!
Fonderie kits have a poor reputation but when I first bought this [...]
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I 1/48 Eduard
This is from No.19(F) Squadron,RAF Duxford,UK, August 1938. I used overtrees Eduard plastic parts, decals from Airfix and seatbelts and stencils Eduard.