1/72 scale modeling
The 1/72 Database at iModeler
3129 articles
Tiny Tank - Plastic Soldier Co 1/72 M5A1 Stuart
My first tank since I was a kid is the Plastic Soldier Company 1/72 M5A1 Stuart in the markings of Canada's Lord Strathcona Horse Regiment. I'm not sure I weathered it enough...
1/48 Airfix P-51D
I finished my 1/48 Airfix P-51D. I did not have a D in my collection. It has been years since I built a 1/48 kit. Painted with Various shades of Alclad (fuselage:Duraluminum, Stainless Steel and White Aluminum and wings in Aluminum.) I [...]
Hasegawa 1/72 MV-22 Osprey
My Osprey build was much like the actual Osprey development. It took much longer than planned and plagued with issues.
This kit is not an easy one as it has a number of sub assemblies that need careful work like the props as well there is [...]
Heller 1/72 D.H 89 Dragon Rapide
My fifth monthly ‘staying-at-home, no-frills, stash-reduction, build and paint’ project–July edition. (With the off-and-partially on again shutdown I wonder how long to keep this going.)
This is a vintage-1979-Heller kit of an [...]
Video: Little blue bird – Kunkadlo from Eduard in 1/72
A little assembling experiment of the special edition kit from eduard: "2020 Spielwarenmesse edition"...
Construction of the Kunkadlo was begun by the brothers Bohuslav and Vladimir Simunek in 1926. The aircraft was completed and [...]
1/72 Heller Spitfire MK 16E
Started Jan. 2020
Finished March 2020
This kit has been in my stash for over 40 years. The box art on this inexpensive kit from the late 70s caught my eye. A Spitfire in bare metal finish is not that common. I was lucky to see the [...]
1/72 Airfix F-84F Thunderstreak Diavoli Rossi
1/72 Airfix F-84F Thunderstreak Diavoli Rossi
Started Feb. 2020
Finished April 2020
The box art on this kit got my attention right away with the super flashy Italian Airforce Red Devil (Diavoli Rossi) demonstration team livery. The decal [...]
Hasegawa P-3B, Argentinian Navy
This is the Hasegawa P-3C kit converted to a Advanced P-3B configuration, I say advanced since some of the antenna fit resembles that of the P-3C. That being said it is still a P-3 with the Sonobuoy tubes being filled and the P-3C sensor [...]
Portuguese DH-88 Comet ‘Salazar’. Kovozavody Prostejov, 1/72
The de Havilland DH.88 Comet is a British two-seat, twin-engined aircraft built by the de Havilland Aircraft Company. It was developed specifically to participate in the 1934 England-Australia MacRobertson Air Race from the United [...]